(28 Jan 2015, 10:45 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Dunno then.
I notice his Benoit's name is not referenced in the accompanying bumph. Triple-H's name is though and it'd be extremely difficult (nigh on impossible) to edit someone out of a Triple Threat Match. Perhaps it's more to do with ego.
Don't know how to explain the post-match celebration though.
Yep, his name cannot be found on the network at all, cant search on it either...
If I remember correctly, the original policy was from what I remember Vince saying after it happened back in 2007 something like 'after tonight we will never mention Mr Benoits name again'...
I guess WWE are quietly changing it's policy and including footage of him where it would seem impossible to remove him and not making any comment about it
(29 Jan 2015, 3:37 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]WWE have just announced the WWE Network will be free for the Month of February to new subscribers including the PPV Fast Lane
When I signed up last Wednesday, I got a fortnight free...starting to wish I held back and waited for the February offer

(29 Jan 2015, 5:40 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Didn't think much of the kick but Jeff Jarrett's selling was hilarious.
Cant remember where I seen it or heard it, but I remember what I think was i a Mick Foley v Owen Hart match, one of them was hit by something like a bag of sweets, popcorn or candy floss and it was sold like they just been dropped by a sniper...
Funniest oversell of all time has to be Kevin Nash being floored by the most powerful finger the world has ever known
(29 Jan 2015, 6:20 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Cant remember where I seen it or heard it, but I remember what I think was i a Mick Foley v Owen Hart match, one of them was hit by something like a bag of sweets, popcorn or candy floss and it was sold like they just been dropped by a sniper...
There was of course the glowstick incident with Jericho...
Scott Hall is one cool mother-f in this one.
(29 Jan 2015, 7:06 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]When it comes to hoying stuff in the ring, not much can beat the ECW Chairs in the ring incident 
RIP Public Enemy.
Both members are dead yet, amazingly, Funk and Foley are still alive.
(29 Jan 2015, 7:11 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]RIP Public Enemy.
Both members are dead yet, amazingly, Funk and Foley are still alive.
Did not know Public Enemy were dead
Your right about Funk and Foley, how they are still alive I will never know...Not many could do half the things they and still be of sound mind to tell the tale...
Did Foley once set Terry Funk on fire in ECW???
(29 Jan 2015, 7:17 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Did not know Public Enemy were dead 
Your right about Funk and Foley, how they are still alive I will never know...Not many could do half the things they and still be of sound mind to tell the tale...
Did Foley once set Terry Funk on fire in ECW???
Yup. Ted Petty (Rocco Rock) died in 2002 aged 49 while Mike Durham (Johnny Grunge) died in 2006 aged 39. Johnny Grunge was Chris Benoit's neighbour and apparently helped him get over the death of Eddie Guerrero. Benoit was reportedly devastated over the death of Grunge.
I think there was an incident involving fire between Funk and Foley in ECW. It paled in comparison to their adventures in IWA-Japan though where they blew each other up!
This is not for the faint hearted.
(29 Jan 2015, 7:27 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]Yup. Ted Petty (Rocco Rock) died in 2002 aged 49 while Mike Durham (Johnny Grunge) died in 2006 aged 39. Johnny Grunge was Chris Benoit's neighbour and apparently helped him get over the death of Eddie Guerrero. Benoit was reportedly devastated over the death of Grunge.
I think there was an incident involving fire between Funk and Foley in ECW. It paled in comparison to their adventures in IWA-Japan though where they blew each other up!
This is not for the faint hearted.
IIRC a lot of Benoits friends died around 2005/06 and I always believed Eddies death pushed him over the edge, and the fact his friends were dropping like flies around him made an unstable man even more unstable and it was only a matter of time something would have happened to him(of course, we all know about the tragedy that occurred)
(29 Jan 2015, 8:35 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]The chair incident was repeated in TNA too
The commentator is funny...
Someone's gonna die here in Philadelphia tonight, talk about exaggeration

and he sounds like a pre-pubescent teenager

Somehow, TNA managed to themselves look like a substandard, third-rate version of ECW.
That's quite impressive.
(29 Jan 2015, 8:39 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]The commentator is funny...
Someone's gonna die here in Philadelphia tonight, talk about exaggeration
and he sounds like a pre-pubescent teenager 
That would be Don West, he did commentary alongside Mike Tenay along with being in charge of selling TNA Merchandise, he was then replaced by Tazz and seemingly disappeared of the wrestling radar.
Joined Fozz in signing up for the WWE Network, but only for the Month of February as its free.
(01 Feb 2015, 3:53 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Joined Fozz in signing up for the WWE Network, but only for the Month of February as its free.
Wish I waited now, I got 2 weeks free just before the Royal Rumble...
I have till Wednesday to decide if I am keeping it as the first payment is due on Thursday
(01 Feb 2015, 4:04 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Wish I waited now, I got 2 weeks free just before the Royal Rumble...
I have till Wednesday to decide if I am keeping it as the first payment is due on Thursday
Go to Billing then, I am a UK Customer who subscribed in January 2015, Can I take advantage of the February Free Trial Offer?
(01 Feb 2015, 4:13 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]So going by that, I will be getting February free as well 
Yes I would think so Fozz.
(01 Feb 2015, 4:18 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Yes I would think so Fozz.
Thats good, by the time 1st March rolls round, I will have had 6 weeks free
Not bad at all

I've just signed up as well.
I'm currently watching this weeks episode of NXT. Will probably watch some 'Hardcore TV' after that. 127 is a good place to start.
(01 Feb 2015, 6:41 pm)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]I've just signed up as well.
I'm currently watching this weeks episode of NXT. Will probably watch some 'Hardcore TV' after that. 127 is a good place to start.
Im watching ECW One Night Stand 2006 atm, gunna pause it and watch Top Gear at 8pm and continue watching it later on.
(01 Feb 2015, 7:32 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Im watching ECW One Night Stand 2006 atm, gunna pause it and watch Top Gear at 8pm and continue watching it later on.
Watch 2005 too if it's on there. The Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka is quality.
(01 Feb 2015, 7:32 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Im watching ECW One Night Stand 2006 atm, gunna pause it and watch Top Gear at 8pm and continue watching it later on.
I really didn't rate either of the One Night Stands to be honest. 2005 is passable, largely down to the Tanaka/Awesome match and The Sandman's entrance, but the whole WWE-produced ECW run was a complete letdown.
I imagine original ECW is probably hard to watch if you weren't around for it in the 1990s. I used to buy tapes from a tape-trader during that period and had most of the episodes ranging from 116 up until 180-odd. It's probably more of a nostalgia thing for me. I doubt the matches will hold-up but I'm looking forward to watching the whole Raven story unfold again. There were some very memorable angles from his run.
(01 Feb 2015, 7:58 pm)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Watch 2005 too if it's on there. The Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka is quality.
Every PPV imaginable is on there Aureolin.
Got to say, after approximately two hours viewing, I am completely unimpressed with the WWE network.
For one, I hate the 'player' they use. It does not support true 'full-screen mode' and you're left with a black-border around the picture. Secondly, the video quality isn't the best (although for ECW-TV - that's to be expected). And thirdly, I'm experiencing delays while the video is buffering.
Most of the stuff (arguably of higher quality) is on Daily Motion and YouTube anyway and of course there are other methods of acquiring the television and PPV's on offer. I think I'll stick to that.
(01 Feb 2015, 8:15 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Every PPV imaginable is on there Aureolin.
I think I'll subscribe for Feb then, seeing as there's a PS4 app for it.