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(09 Mar 2014, 10:48 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Regardless of the day of the week, service 3 will be allocated the gas buses come May - so whatever the reason for not allocating them today, they'll have to get used to allocating them again in two months' time.
Why would the Sunday operation not 'justify' the allocation of a vehicle which is likely to have cheaper running costs? I do hope 'passenger numbers' isn't going to be the argument, because they were rammed last week in the North section of Sunderland.
There were some issues with time-keeping which I noticed, but nothing major and if they keep to time on services 16/20 (which the majority of services have from what I've seen, esp. service 20 which has been managing to complete the route in even less time than it previously did), I can't see this being a recurring issue.
Didn't someone say there were issues with the gas refuelling bay?
If the buses cant be refuelled, then it could explain why they aren't out.
edit. Richard Smiles shared the info on Friday afternoon.
(09 Mar 2014, 10:48 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Regardless of the day of the week, service 3 will be allocated the gas buses come May - so whatever the reason for not allocating them today, they'll have to get used to allocating them again in two months' time.
Why would the Sunday operation not 'justify' the allocation of a vehicle which is likely to have cheaper running costs? I do hope 'passenger numbers' isn't going to be the argument, because they were rammed last week in the North section of Sunderland.
There were some issues with time-keeping which I noticed, but nothing major and if they keep to time on services 16/20 (which the majority of services have from what I've seen, esp. service 20 which has been managing to complete the route in even less time than it previously did), I can't see this being a recurring issue.
I agree they have to get used to gas buses on the 3 from May, if they like it or not... they could be on the 13 this week though, don't know how it will justify costs, wouldn't it be cheaper for them running the gas buses?
Time keeping has always being a issue on a Sunday for some services.. the 23 was the worst one before they extended it to Seaburn on a Sunday to give it extra running time... it seem's to of worked.
They might be having problems with the gas filling thing but does it stop them having the gas buses out, the 16 and 20 was all gas yesterday, not sure why it would stop them having the others out today?
(09 Mar 2014, 10:57 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]I agree they have to get used to gas buses on the 3 from May, if they like it or not... they could be on the 13 this week though, don't know how it will justify costs, wouldn't it be cheaper for them running the gas buses?
Time keeping has always being a issue on a Sunday for some services.. the 23 was the worst one before they extended it to Seaburn on a Sunday to give it extra running time... it seem's to of worked.
They might be having problems with the gas filling thing but does it stop them having the gas buses out, the 16 and 20 was all gas yesterday, not sure why it would stop them having the others out today?
Suppose it depends on what the problem is.
The vehicles may only be being half filled - so a swap occurs later.
Half of the bay may not be working, so half of the fleet can't be used.
There could be a whole range of reasons, but an educated guess would say there was some sort of connection with some of gas buses not being out and apparent problems with the fuelling station.
It might just be Sunderland's allocation is all to pot, as ive just seen 22468 out on the 4/13s and 35157 as the extra 23 working.
(09 Mar 2014, 11:23 am)dans_bus_photos wrote [ -> ]It might just be Sunderland's allocation is all to pot, as ive just seen 22468 out on the 4/13s and 35157 as the extra 23 working.
Christ... I can't even recall the last time I saw an ALX300 out on a Sunday 4.
(09 Mar 2014, 11:26 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Christ... I can't even recall the last time I saw an ALX300 out on a Sunday 4.
Must be having a day off for allocations today!

(09 Mar 2014, 11:28 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Must be having a day off for allocations today! 
To be fair, aren't Sunderland terrible for allocations on a daily basis?

(09 Mar 2014, 11:29 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]To be fair, aren't Sunderland terrible for allocations on a daily basis? 
I think they do well for allocations but there not as bad as GNE haha
(09 Mar 2014, 11:43 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]I think they do well for allocations but there not as bad as GNE haha
Who in turn can't be as bad as Arriva Redcar/Whitby!
Just noticed a MAN on the 4 at Doxford park thought these were in the garage on Sundays lol
(09 Mar 2014, 2:06 pm)Acky81 wrote [ -> ]Just noticed a MAN on the 4 at Doxford park thought these were in the garage on Sundays lol
Having said that it might have been a 13
(09 Mar 2014, 11:16 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Suppose it depends on what the problem is.
The vehicles may only be being half filled - so a swap occurs later.
Half of the bay may not be working, so half of the fleet can't be used.
There could be a whole range of reasons, but an educated guess would say there was some sort of connection with some of gas buses not being out and apparent problems with the fuelling station.
I think you're right. As I have just noted on the rare and odd workings thread, there is an ALX300 out on service 20 today which is allocated the gas buses during the week.
Stagecoach training bus out and about this morning
22214 is now at Slatyford.
Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
(10 Mar 2014, 8:57 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
Because South Shields dont need them..
(10 Mar 2014, 8:57 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
What's the point in sending them to South Shields? They have a decent set of 03/04 and it seems illogical to replace newer MAN's with older MAN's.
Obviously 22214 is required at Slatyford, so that's why it's there.
(10 Mar 2014, 9:02 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Because South Shields dont need them..

(10 Mar 2014, 8:57 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
Because Slatyford and Stockton have MANs of the same age that are in a worse condition- wheras South Shields dont, apart from the 2 'reserve' ALX200s South Shields oldest bus is 2003 (22022), 4 years newer than the T reg MANs.
Can i ask why you want the T reg MANs to go to Shields so much? And what would you want them to replace at Shields?
(10 Mar 2014, 5:59 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]22214 is now at Slatyford.
Scott noted this a few days ago - see post
here. It was also included in yesterday's
news update.
(10 Mar 2014, 8:57 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
Robin - with all due respect - many people, including myself, have answered this question from when you've asked it previously.
Excluding Driver Trainer vehicles, the oldest vehicles at South Shields depot are ALX200s 33101/33492. These vehicles are both reserves at this depot. The eldest ALX300 was manufactured in 2003. If ALX300s from Sunderland were to make their way to South Shields, you would be taking a backward step. The examples which have been removed from service at Sunderland depot are non-DDA. South Shields is fully DDA-compliant, minus the two reserve ALX200s.
There are ALX300s at Slatyford which are in worse condition than 22214, which was the example transferred. This vehicle will presumably replace one of the ALX300s at Slatyford which is in pretty bad shape.
Can I ask that this, and the posts which precede my own, bring an end to this question being asked repetitively?
(10 Mar 2014, 8:57 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Dan. Just Seen picture of 22214 now working for Newcastle insteed of Sunderland. Just what is Stagecoach north East Playing at sending the mans to Newcastle and not South Shields. Regards Robin
Could you please explain why you would want "Older Buses" going to South Shields, when you have a Modern Fleet of buses.
Talk about losing the will to live, how about South Shields sending ALL of their Newish buses to Teesside & then you can have ALL the 15 year old MANs from Stockton, that will breakdown etc., etc.
No doubt then your question will be why haven't South Shields got any New Buses???, because Robin wants old knackered MANs.
Meanwhile back on Planet Earth.....
(10 Mar 2014, 9:06 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Scott noted this a few days ago - see post here. It was also included in yesterday's news update.
Sorry, don't pay much attention to Stagecoach
Besides, I'm guessing 33101/33492 will be replaced quite soon by cascaded Darts. As Robin wants them so much, I don't see why a couple of MAN ALX300's can't head to Shields to replace the older Darts?
(10 Mar 2014, 9:06 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Scott noted this a few days ago - see post here. It was also included in yesterday's news update.
Robin - with all due respect - many people, including myself, have answered this question from when you've asked it previously.
Excluding Driver Trainer vehicles, the oldest vehicles at South Shields depot are ALX200s 33101/33492. These vehicles are both reserves at this depot. The eldest ALX300 was manufactured in 2003. If ALX300s from Sunderland were to make their way to South Shields, you would be taking a backward step. The examples which have been removed from service at Sunderland depot are non-DDA. South Shields is fully DDA-compliant, minus the two reserve ALX200s.
There are ALX300s at Slatyford which are in worse condition than 22214, which was the example transferred. This vehicle will presumably replace one of the ALX300s at Slatyford which is in pretty bad shape.
Can I ask that this, and the posts which precede my own, bring an end to this question being asked repetitively?
Here!, Here! to that Dan.
(10 Mar 2014, 9:09 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Besides, I'm guessing 33101/33492 will be replaced quite soon by cascaded Darts. As Robin wants them so much, I don't see why a couple of MAN ALX300's can't head to Shields to replace the older Darts?
I'd assume this was down to the fact that ALX200s are classed as midi-vehicles (?) whereas ALX300s are full sized single deckers. You'd try your best to replace midi-vehicles with midi-vehicles, unless you're upgrading a particular service's vehicle type owing to high passenger numbers.
It's likely that the replacements for 33101/492 are likely to be sourced from Newcastle when they lose the contract for services 33/33A.
To all conserned I will not be sending any more messages at All for that nasty message I received. Thanks For Nothing Robin
(10 Mar 2014, 9:22 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]To all conserned I will not be sending any more messages at All for that nasty message I received. Thanks For Nothing Robin
I don't think any of the posts were nasty, Robin. They were designed to help you and to answer your question.
I can understand that some members of the forum may be somewhat irritated if the same question is asked over and over again, with a reason being provided by someone each and every time.
Do you Know if 33101 & 33492 Are Staying At South Shields Or Not if so let me know as soon as possible. Thanks Dan Mate Regards Robin
(10 Mar 2014, 9:35 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Do you Know if 33101 & 33492 Are Staying At South Shields Or Not if please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks Dan Mate Regards Robin
It's suggested that they will be replaced by darts from Slatyford when Stagecoach loose the 33 contract (Newcastle-Hollywood Avenue).
Thanks Tom For Info. Regards Robin
(10 Mar 2014, 9:39 pm)Robinwtait.19 wrote [ -> ]Thanks Tom For Info. Regards Robin
No problem!

Tom. Any more news about the state of 21153 after the fire last week. Is it to be scraped or Repaired. I saw the Pictures At the weekend. Regards Robin Ok Goodnight
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