(09 Jun 2014, 1:31 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]Had you just photographed 28029 at the Depot as it has not been registered with the DVLA & entered service yet or did you mean 28027 ?.
Yeah it was 28029 I photographed on Friday Afternoon at the Depot
(09 Jun 2014, 11:05 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]Should the vehicle highlighted above as 22642, not read 22462
Yes, and 22462 is in service at Sunderland today.
(10 Jun 2014, 8:00 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]Just dropped a quick email to the Ops Manager at Lincoln & up to now they still only have the three MANs from the North East 22174, 22453 & 22463.
He has advised me, that he will let me know, once he knows of any further vehicles heading his way.
I certainly don't want to keep pestering him.
No further ALX300s have transferred to Lincoln, and neither 22453 nor 22463 have entered service yet.
(10 Jun 2014, 8:31 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]The MAN transferred from Stockton to Morecambe via Carlisle 22495 (T495 BNL), has finally been recertified & taxed until 1 June 2015.
22495 went direct to Morecambe, contrary to what was suggested to Stagecoach North East management (I.e via Carlisle). I received a message from the driver who collected the vehicle with this information a few days ago.
(10 Jun 2014, 11:55 am)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]There is a lot of work currently being done to the "Gas Feulling Facility", with a lot of workmen, a crane and a lorry surrounding it.
In addition, there was a pigeon trapped inside withdrawn MAN ALX300 22464! I wonder how on earth it got in there, as it was trying to get out through the back window - poor thing!
22190 and 22494 are also at the rear of the depot, with 35156, 36977(?), 22080 and 28030 in the workshops adjacent from the gas fuelling area.
I wonder what the rear seats look like now!
Hi, It's now only 2 months until the new buses are coming, I was wondering if the Enviro 300's will be getting a re-spray, I've been looking at some photos on the Internet of the Stagecoach Bluebirds and wondering do they look big enough for the 36 service.
(11 Jun 2014, 5:20 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]It is very much down to each Depot's Engineering Manager as to when a Bus is sent in for repaint. Whilst I would agree that as the 241xx's are almost five years old & due a repaint, Hartlepool's 39xxx series are now six years old & still yet to have their first repaint.
And without wishing to go off Topic, there are quite a few buses in the Arriva Fleet, that are now 15 + years old & have not had a repaint since they were delivered from New, over 15 years! ago.
Yes, the repainting of buses in the SNE and ANE fleets has always confused me somewhat, as there doesn't seem to be a set period of time for how long it takes the buses to receive another coat of paint.
I am aware that GNE schedule a vehicle's next repaint as soon as it is repainted - this typically being four to five years after said repaint takes place. As far as I know, this is planned by management - those higher than 'depot level', as it were.
Obviously these scheduled repaints are only approximate, but they are usually followed through on or before the year in which they are scheduled to receive another repaint.
As you say, there are some vehicles in the ANE fleet that haven't yet received a repaint since new - crazy in comparison to GNE...
(11 Jun 2014, 6:03 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]In general, I do think Stagecoach North East keep a very tidy Fleet.
Going back to the Good Old Days of Cleveland Transit, every vehicle received a full repaint every two & a half years.
In addition, between full repaints buses tended to receive what we often referred to, as a "Bottom Half Repaint", often as part of their Annual PSV. This effectively referred to the paintwork below the Lower Deck Windows on a Double Decker or the Skirt Panels on a Single Decker, as panels were often prone to Road Salt Damage or damage due to debri on the road, like little stones being thrown up causing small dents in the panels etc.
This resulted in the fleet being kept of "Smart Appearance". New formula's of paint these days, tends to result in the paintwork lasting tidier for longer.
Yes, I agree.
I hadn't realised that they were so frequently repainted in years gone by!
(11 Jun 2014, 5:20 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]As far as the New E300s are concerned, these are of the same Spec as the South Shields vehicles (27723 - 27740), so will seat around 46 Passengers, which is about the same as the 241xx MANs.
41 seats in the WVTA spec models since late 2011, the same as Carlisle's 27766/27767.
(11 Jun 2014, 12:27 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]33101 is reported today to be off the road in the Workshops with a Steering Fault.
Its place as Hartlepool Reserve has been taken up by Stockton based MAN 22657 (T657 OEF). I may be wrong, but I believe this may be the first time a 22xxx vehicle has operated Local Hartlepool Service work, if you discount the service 36 of course.
22657 is today therefore operating Local Hartlepool Service 7.
yeah saw it on 7 its first time ive seen one on a Hartlepool service apart from 36 how long is it here it be nice to see more here
(11 Jun 2014, 1:25 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]22657 will probably just be covering for 33101 until it is repaired, a few days perhaps. It does prove once again though, that One Reserve/Spare Bus at Hartlepool is not enough.
ive said the same thing to the inspectors but they said they've only need one but their nowhere to a bus spare from
(11 Jun 2014, 1:25 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]22657 will probably just be covering for 33101 until it is repaired, a few days perhaps. It does prove once again though, that One Reserve/Spare Bus at Hartlepool is not enough.
33101 must be fixed as 22657 is now back home on the 58.
(11 Jun 2014, 1:54 pm)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]33101 must be fixed as 22657 is now back home on the 58.
their still a Man alx on 7s I'll try and catch it tomorrow and see what fleet it is all i could see was 7 at the end of the fleet number
Anyone know if 22735 is out today?
(11 Jun 2014, 4:21 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]Following a recent telephone call in the last 10 minutes, I can now clear up some confusion relating to 33101 & 22657, all was not quite as reported.
1. 33101 had been out of service with a steering fault, but returned to service at Lunchtime today.
2. It transpires that 22657 was at Hartlepool covering for 39661 which in turn was involved in a photo shoot, to publicise the reinstatement of Sunday to Thursday evening service 6 journeys which are to be re-instated, from this weekend.
3. Additional News to report, is that Stockton Reserve/Spare MAN 22731 (T731 OEF) has/is to transfer to Hartlepool on Temporary Loan to cover for Hartlepool Vehicle Repaints & Seat Re-trims.
These are likely to be the repaints & re-trims of the 39657 - 39675 batch of vehicles, which have not been repainted since New & are now six years old.
thank you Richard
(11 Jun 2014, 5:12 pm)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]That would be extremely useful - Thanks AIG20.
I try to get photos of vehicles, when Fresh out the Paint Shop while they still look tidy.
aye that bw nice photos and it would make sense cause Hartlepool has more darts then anywhere would be bit odd 15 darts and 1 or 2 man alx lol would be better to have sunderlands darts
(12 Jun 2014, 3:00 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]South Shields ADL E300 27724 has a small sticker on the rear of the vehicle for cyclist safety. I cannot remember exactly what it said, but I think it said "Cyclists pass safely" with a small image below it.
I spotted one on the back of a 36 in Hartlepool earlier. It's advising cyclists to overtake on the drivers side of the bus rather than attempt to undertake down the other side.
(12 Jun 2014, 5:04 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]I have noticed a lot more cyclists on the road in the past few months. Some are even deciding to use the road rather than cycle paths, like on the Coast Road in South Shields.
Not sure if it was the weather, cost of fuel or people deciding to be healthy - but last year, cycling seemed to take off bigstyle.
Lost count how many bikes I saw.
No matter how many stickers are on buses, there will always be silly cyclists and there will always be silly drivers.
If cyclists are being encouraged to drive on the outside of the bus, rather than the outside - hopefully all parties will use common sense and the most important thing, their eyes.
Bus crash earlier on this evening, both buses were stagecoach i believe, also involving a car in Newcastle near central motorway, more info on the Chronicles website, if this has already been listed somewhere, apologies, im on my mobile.
I've noticed cycle signs to im a cyclist myself but was knackered sp never noted fleet number. Could of even be a northern bus as I was that knackered. Heck can't even remember where I was when I spotted it. I've been really pushing myself last few days!
(13 Jun 2014, 6:14 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]There doesn't appear to have been much mention of checking of further GAS buses arrivals recently, but according to the DVLA website:
28030 (YR14 CFV) - Was Registered on 12 06 14 (Yesterday)
28031 (YR14 CFX) - Yet to be registered (But Here)
28032 (YR14 CFM)- Was Registered on 12 06 14 (Yesterday)
28033 (YR14 CFN) - Yet to be registered (?)
28034 (YR14 CFO) - Was Registered on 09 06 14 (Monday)
Thanks for the update Richard
I haven't had a chance to head over this week, iv'e finished uni for the year so i won't be over that part of Sunderland as much
(13 Jun 2014, 6:17 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Thanks for the update Richard
I haven't had a chance to head over this week, iv'e finished uni for the year so i won't be over that part of Sunderland as much
I've been lacking motivation to move lately nevermind owt else.
Reason why I haven't been walking over!
(13 Jun 2014, 6:23 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I've been lacking motivation to move lately nevermind owt else.
Reason why I haven't been walking over!
That happens alot to me haha, i'm gonna be lost off for the next 11 weeks?, i normally do everything the first 2 weeks off the 6 weeks but now its gonna be now! =(
About 5 minutes ago I was traveling up the A19 in my car northbound just passed dalton park and 3 stagecoach man's heading southbound, the third bus I think was 490?, couldn't really tell as I was concertrating driving on the road.
Stockton fleet have had cyclists warning stickers added to most of fleet
(13 Jun 2014, 8:48 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]I can sort of confirm this, Three MANs of the T---BNL batch were seen leaving Sunderland this morning, but numbers of the same were NOT specified. I received this information about 15 minutes ago via email from a contact at Sunderland. The name of which I intend to protect.
Somebody on stagecoachnortheast bus enthusiast facebook page, said "Dunno where 22490 was going but didn't get very far, broke down on the A19 southbound just before the Thornaby turn off"
I know when I saw the 3 Man's this morning on the A19, there was 2 mans together with the third Man trailing behind at some distance, so this most of been the reg 490 that I spotted.
(13 Jun 2014, 8:48 am)Richard Smiles wrote [ -> ]I can sort of confirm this, Three MANs of the T---BNL batch were seen leaving Sunderland this morning, but numbers of the same were NOT specified. I received this information about 15 minutes ago via email from a contact at Sunderland. The name of which I intend to protect.
(13 Jun 2014, 1:55 pm)cbma06 wrote [ -> ]Somebody on stagecoachnortheast bus enthusiast facebook page, said "Dunno where 22490 was going but didn't get very far, broke down on the A19 southbound just before the Thornaby turn off"
I know when I saw the 3 Man's this morning on the A19, there was 2 mans together with the third Man trailing behind at some distance, so this most of been the reg 490 that I spotted.
Eight new arrivals at Lincoln due this weekend in total, though I suspect this includes today's proposed arrival of three and perhaps vehicles from other depots too - as I don't think they were due to receive eleven in total from the North East.
A leading driver had to drive up in his car to pick the driver up of the third MAN referred to above.
(13 Jun 2014, 2:48 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Eight new arrivals at Lincoln due this weekend in total, though I suspect this includes today's proposed arrival of three and perhaps vehicles from other depots too - as I don't think they were due to receive eleven in total from the North East.
A leading driver had to drive up in his car to pick the driver up of the third MAN referred to above.
Those 8 are MANs from Scotland - 22110, 22112, 22309, 22702, 22703, 22802 and 22803 confirmed and a further example. They set off yesterday (after all, they are all ex-Aberdeen)
(10 Jun 2014, 9:01 pm)AIG20 wrote [ -> ]Probably full of bird mess and feathers! 
Though, I think it had been removed from the vehicle, or found a way out, by 15:00 - when I next walked passed the depot.
Or died.