(22 Jun 2015, 8:06 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]I wonder if they'll ever appear on normal services?
Well they're programmed with all destinations for Riverside, Hexham and Percy Main (ie the North Division)!
But no - I don't think they'll ever appear on normal services as they haven't got ticket machines.
Also worth noting that Volvo B10BLE 4843 (R843 PRG) is on loan to Deptford at the moment.
(22 Jun 2015, 5:04 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Sadly there's only so much room on the destination display, and you're left with little scope to fit something in which has a large number of characters. "Derwentside College" doesn't fit on the top line, so the "College" is placed on the second line and is followed by the via points - just like "Newcastle / Eldon Square via", "Newcastle / Business Park via" etc.
Arriva have their via points on different 'pages', so there's probably a longer period in which the 'extended terminal point' is not visible, than with "College express via Consett".
I insist that display is better than "CONSETT" in huge letters (as previous); whilst the college is situated within Consett, most would associate the bus station to be the terminus of most services within Consett.
Of course, you may disagree, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. Others on the forum were using their extensive marketing experience last night to dictate on what makes a good brand name and what doesn't. To suggest sarcastically that whoever was behind a brand name they don't like is a "bright spark" is incredibly rude, especially when those persons may view the forum. Can't believe some of you say you want 'insiders' on this forum to give you feedback, when they'd come on here to get slated most of the time.
On another note - coming soon to a Tyne Tees Xpress near you...
5235 Go North East Scania Ominicity Toon Link by Diamond One, on Flickr
Looks nice the X on this bus most of the lads had turns at which destinations they wanted when I took this I requested 27, then next one was either X9 or X10 but was happy with the outcome of this
(22 Jun 2015, 8:08 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Well they're programmed with all destinations for Riverside, Hexham and Percy Main (ie the North Division)!
But no - I don't think they'll ever appear on normal services as they haven't got ticket machines.
Also worth noting that Volvo B10BLE 4843 (R843 PRG) is on loan to Deptford at the moment.
Getting every single day out of it, aren't they?

(22 Jun 2015, 8:08 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Well they're programmed with all destinations for Riverside, Hexham and Percy Main (ie the North Division)!
But no - I don't think they'll ever appear on normal services as they haven't got ticket machines.
Also worth noting that Volvo B10BLE 4843 (R843 PRG) is on loan to Deptford at the moment.
If John and/or Mark are there me and Lee will be shouting requests again no doubt.
(22 Jun 2015, 8:18 pm)danpick wrote [ -> ]If John and/or Mark are there me and Lee will be shouting requests again no doubt.
Hopefully have my programme rolled out across the fleet by Seaburn..! That way, you'll be able to have a Deptford bus with a Consett destination (if that's what floats your boat!)
(22 Jun 2015, 8:23 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Hopefully have my programme rolled out across the fleet by Seaburn..! That way, you'll be able to have a Deptford bus with a Consett destination (if that's what floats your boat!)
Out of interest, is there a limit on how many destinations you can have on any one programme or is it a case of you can have however many you want?
(22 Jun 2015, 8:26 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Out of interest, is there a limit on how many destinations you can have on any one programme or is it a case of you can have however many you want?
Yeah, there's a maximum file size.
The reason why we had issues today was because the old firmware the destination display was running could not facilitate the file size of the database I was trying to load.
More of an issue on buses new pre-2011/12 with older destination display controllers.
(22 Jun 2015, 8:26 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Out of interest, is there a limit on how many destinations you can have on any one programme or is it a case of you can have however many you want?
Yes, it is all memory driven. You do not have a set amount, but it all depends on the size of each blind.
The coaches now seat 70 passengers:
Go North East: 7092 / K2VOY by
Daniel Graham, on Flickr
That awkward moment when the bus is full and you have to jostle in-between two other people..... It's bad enough with double seats never mind triple seats
It's nice to see the B12's being given a new lease of life, I though they were decent coaches at the Metrocentre Bus Rally.
Thought there may be some sort of limit. This whole destination stuff is very interesting although probably isn't for somebody sitting at a desk making them. I quite like playing around with the Helen software myself.
(22 Jun 2015, 8:37 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Thought there may be some sort of limit. This whole destination stuff is very interesting although probably isn't for somebody sitting at a desk making them. I quite like playing around with the Helen software myself.
I thoroughly enjoyed making the destinations when I first started... Gets a bit tedious after a while.
Not so bad for the likes of Stagecoach and Arriva who only have three or four different types of LED destination displays - GNE has about twelve in total..!
(22 Jun 2015, 8:41 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]I thoroughly enjoyed making the destinations when I first started... Gets a bit tedious after a while.
Not so bad for the likes of Stagecoach and Arriva who only have three or four different types of LED destination displays - GNE has about twelve in total..!
Thought it might become tiring after a while. Of course, if you get paid a bit for it you might enjoy it more. What is the average pay rate for your area of work in the company per hour? Must be quite decent if its working in the offices and preparing destinations amongst other things.
(22 Jun 2015, 8:54 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Thought it might become tiring after a while. Of course, if you get paid a bit for it you might enjoy it more. What is the average pay rate for your area of work in the company per hour? Must be quite decent if its working in the offices and preparing destinations amongst other things.
Salaries vary depending on level of experience, years with the company, amount of responsibility, and so on.
Not sure what my salary works out to be an hour. Probably more than most lads my age!
(22 Jun 2015, 8:56 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Salaries vary depending on level of experience, years with the company, amount of responsibility, and so on.
Not sure what my salary works out to be an hour. Probably more than most lads my age!
I imagine if you didn't have that free pass of yours... *runs away*

The reason i ask these questions is mainly because i'm curious to find out what goes on behind closed doors of any bus company. That way, it will be easier to appreciate why buses break down, why buses are sometimes late etc. Obviously the rate of pay affects how enthusiastic somebody is about their job too. If i got paid minimum wage for a job which was worth more, can't say i'd be too willing to put my back into it.
(22 Jun 2015, 9:02 pm)R852 PRG wrote [ -> ]*runs away* 
Running away from the pigeons that are all over Chester-le-Street? Can't get away from the things in that place!

The movements during the week, according to Go North East's website, are as follows:
- 8264 Riverside to Washington
- 8251 withdrawn from Washington
- 5144 withdrawn from Riverside
- 4897 Stanley to Deptford
- 6123 6124 in service at Stanley
- 7090 7092 Driver Training to Hexham
"QuayLink" branded Optare Versa V1110/Optare 8311 (NK10 GNZ) has also arrived at Saltmeadows Road for repaint into a fresh coat of yellow.
39 Doxford clipper and 61 drifter at ryhope village- slightly wrong
4919 on loan to Deptford. On 99s today.
(02 Jun 2015, 2:05 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Hopefully GNE will gain some normal work from Howard Snaiths too, they have the:
79 - Ponteland-Morpeth (Wed)
613 - Whittonstall-Hexham (Tues) - Could be merged with 689?
808 - Otterburn-Newcastle (Mon-Sat)
880 - Hexham-Bellingham (Mon-Sat) or Kielder (Tues/Fri/Sat)
882 - Hexham-Colwell (Mon-Sat)
915 - Bellingham-Otteburn (Thurs/Fri) - Could interwork with 880?
Would be nice for GNE to expand their Tynedale Links network.
I read else where on the forum that Arriva are taking these services overs along with Snaith's 2 Enviro 200s.
(22 Jun 2015, 8:56 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Salaries vary depending on level of experience, years with the company, amount of responsibility, and so on.
Not sure what my salary works out to be an hour. Probably more than most lads my age!
More than me, I don't have a job. Although I am applying for some civil engineering apprenticeships with typically pay around £12,000 a year.
Is it just me or are the new white LED displays difficult to read.
Buses direct to Sunderland International Airshow
Seems the 20/20A will run every 15 mins on the Sunday -
- Catch our Prince Bishops 20/20A buses to The Grange at Fulwell and then walk to Seaburn Seafront or change at Sunderland Interchange onto the A1 Express to Seaburn Park. Buses on the 20/20A will be running up to every 10 minutes on Saturday 25 July and up to every 15 minutes on Sunday 26 July.
8248 on the 82/82A and 8252 on the 85 this afternoon, still clinging on for those who want Photographs.
(23 Jun 2015, 12:28 pm)Scott wrote [ -> ]I read else where on the forum that Arriva are taking these services overs along with Snaith's 2 Enviro 200s.
Where would Arriva operate them from?
(02 Jun 2015, 2:05 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Hopefully GNE will gain some normal work from Howard Snaiths too, they have the:
79 - Ponteland-Morpeth (Wed)
613 - Whittonstall-Hexham (Tues) - Could be merged with 689?
808 - Otterburn-Newcastle (Mon-Sat)
880 - Hexham-Bellingham (Mon-Sat) or Kielder (Tues/Fri/Sat)
882 - Hexham-Colwell (Mon-Sat)
915 - Bellingham-Otteburn (Thurs/Fri) - Could interwork with 880?
Would be nice for GNE to expand their Tynedale Links network.
Some of those routes operate from 'outstations' rather than GNE/ANE depot locations, so would involve significant dead mileage.
There would be little demand for the outward journeys early morning and inwards journeys late afternoon/evening.
I don't suppose that they are huge earners anyway and probably need subsidy to survive.
(23 Jun 2015, 2:09 pm)G-CPTN wrote [ -> ]Some of those routes operate from 'outstations' rather than GNE/ANE depot locations, so would involve significant dead mileage.
There would be little demand for the outward journeys early morning and inwards journeys late afternoon/evening.
I don't suppose that they are huge earners anyway and probably need subsidy to survive.
Couldn't Go North East transfer some buses to Hexham bus depot?
(23 Jun 2015, 2:17 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Couldn't Go North East transfer some buses to Hexham bus depot?
Hexham is not Bellingham or Otterburn.
These routes exist to bring those living in the sticks into the town.
The routes are also 'partial' with long layovers within the day (rather than being continuous operation throughout the day).
A Hexham-based driver would have long periods of inactivity.
Even the school routes operate
into Hexham rather than out of.
A ''Yellow Bus'' Volvo Olympian is parked up in the Riverside Park, in Chester-le-Street. I didn't catch the identification, but it looked to me like it was 3818, caught a 1 on the 3rd digit.
(23 Jun 2015, 2:17 pm)Davie wrote [ -> ]Couldn't Go North East transfer some buses to Hexham bus depot?
There is plenty of space at Burn Lane for extra buses, however the problem would be the mileage from Hexham to/from Bellingham & Otterburn every morning and evening. An idea would be to have a small outstation at Otterburn or Bellingham. Blue Bus Services (Busways) used to outstation a coach at Otterburn in the 1980s when they ran a service from Newcastle to there.
GNE would be ideal to attract tourists as ticketing synergies could be introduced e.g. Explorer and Buzzfare. The services could also be timed to connect with the AD122 during the summer season.
The Whittonstall service is subsidised by NCC as are I believe the Otterburn and Bellingham services. The Whittonstall service could be integrated but would require extra journeys on Tuesday to serve Hedley On The Hill and New Ridley.
Of course another option could be for these services to run as a Community Bus service by ADAPT. They currently run the 681 Haltwhistle-Slaggyford (also Hexham on Tuesdays and Fridays) and are based in Hexham.
(23 Jun 2015, 2:08 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Where would Arriva operate them from?
Probably from Jesmond or might open a outstation at Hexham ( sorry for this being on go north east thread )