(28 Aug 2020, 2:37 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news...de-4461490
Stagecoach buses keep stopping outside my Hythe home and now I need medical help
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The first three people commenting on that news site seem to have the measure of the bloke quite well.
And I'm not surprised Stagecoach aren't making a comment - they're probably taking legal advice on what they can do about him!
Must have been a slow news day down in Kent..... bit like the chronicle up here and some of their more bizarre stories they publish online!
(29 Aug 2020, 8:01 am)Rob44 wrote [ -> ]Must have been a slow news day down in Kent..... bit like the chronicle up here and some of their more bizarre stories they publish online!
The chronicle is an absolute crock. It's all Denise Welsh this, Alan Barnes that. Don't even get me started on the tramps of Geordie Shore that they seem to promote at every opportunity.
I don't read them out of principle, but I haven't unfollowed them because I just like reading the comments [emoji23]
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Yep some of the comment as class..... the stories where someones been up in court and got a short sentence.... you get the death penalty brigade storm on the the family or friends of the guilty party saying they arn't a bad person. comedy gold.,
It's not this bit of news itself that has made me laugh. That is, unfortunately same old sane old and a repeat of 15 years or so ago (and I can make a good guess at likely culprits, this time) it's the reporting. They have fleshed out a tweet or three, only ignoring the ancient photo, have made a pretty glaring error which makes them look as thick as pigshit.
Similar to the above - when an image completely fails to capture the scope of the article!
![[Image: OjzxXHr.png]](https://i.imgur.com/OjzxXHr.png)
(26 Sep 2020, 11:13 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Similar to the above - when an image completely fails to capture the scope of the article!
![[Image: OjzxXHr.png]](https://i.imgur.com/OjzxXHr.png)
Rebellious pigeon, innit.
The article clearly says it is First Glasgow and they put a photo of one of GNE’s Percy Main Solos on the photo due to the school uniform as the school is in Whitley Bay as well as the seats give it away, useless journalism
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(01 Oct 2020, 2:05 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bu...e-22773036
The article clearly says it is First Glasgow and they put a photo of one of GNE’s Percy Main Solos on the photo due to the school uniform as the school is in Whitley Bay as well as the seats give it away, useless journalism
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That photo has been used loads recently.
It's appearing all over the place.
Noticed on the side of a GNE bus, today a Subway ad: "This is a sub"
Most amused by the sheer amount of tumbleweed that will arouse.
The amount of cars i saw ignoring the Bus Lane Camera signs on Askew Road in Gateshead. The council must be making thousands off it.
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(07 Nov 2020, 10:47 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]What was it? Content not found now 
Ah no, someone must have removed it.
Some lads put a spooky garden decoration outside a bus stop one evening.
Managed to arrange it so that it's arm was stretched out.
It was even wearing a face mask.
Anyway, the 49 appeared saw a figure with its arm out and stopped.
The driver opened the doors and realised it was all just a big prank.
He was a good sport about it, giggled a bit, said something and then drove off.
The lads who were behind it, filmed it and played there part, with some witty bantz too.
Try it now
(08 Nov 2020, 10:35 am)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Ah no, someone must have removed it.
Some lads put a spooky garden decoration outside a bus stop one evening.
Managed to arrange it so that it's arm was stretched out.
It was even wearing a face mask.
Anyway, the 49 appeared saw a figure with its arm out and stopped.
The driver opened the doors and realised it was all just a big prank.
He was a good sport about it, giggled a bit, said something and then drove off.
The lads who were behind it, filmed it and played there part, with some witty bantz too.
Try it now https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_f...8213729155&id=100002550327660
That's brilliant!

(13 Nov 2020, 7:51 pm)TEN 6083 wrote [ -> ]https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/bus-...r-23005436
Bus spotters left raging over mistake in John Lewis Christmas advert
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To be fair, I was rather irritated that they used a X9/X10 B5 to drive past the Angel in the GNE ad, probably because if they used an Angel StreetDeck, you'd see sod all out the window!
Whoever drew this map deserves a raise!
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bet she is as sick as a chip!
Bit of blue for the dads...
Obviously the incident isn't amusing and I hope everyone involved is OK, but one of the alternative bus stops made me chuckle.
There used to be a bus stop on the Isle of Wight labeled as Middle of Nowhere.
Bit of a long one this, so bear with me.
I was in the car earlier and as I am currently updating my Spotify, I was tuned in to the radio.
Not keen on the Frank Skinner 'chat' between songs on the Absolute family on a weekend, so I was flicking between the Union Jack stations.
No idea why it even entered my head, but somewhere, somehow, I had flashbacks from a post by our very own Daniel - when 'Example' was played on Union Jack Dance.
Having checked out the thread, I can confirm my memories weren't playing tricks on me.
I can only imagine the atmosphere outside the arena that night, once 'Example' had finished his gig.
Can't think of enough adjectives or metaphors about how good it must have been!
Anyway. It made me chuckle.
I just watched Shrek for the first time in probably 15 years and it's every bit as good as I remember, if not more.