Reading a lot on the internet, that Gen 2 will be released by end of the week... Not confirmed and it's just rumours..
I hope so, although i'm no where near completing my Pokèdex for gen 2 haha
Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.49.1 for Android and 1.19.1 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.
- Trainers will be able to transfer multiple Pokémon at a time to Professor Willow. To use this function, press and hold on a Pokémon.
- Pokémon type icons have been added to the Gym battle approach and Gym battle screen.
- The total Candy count for your Buddy Pokémon has been added to the buddy information screen.
- The total kilometers a buddy has walked has been added to the information screen of each Pokémon that has ever been your buddy.
- Minor text fixes.
The Pokémon GO team
I've yet to receive the update.
From the Pokemon Facebook page:
More Pokemon coming 12th December! (doesn't say if it's legends or Gen 2)
As we race towards 2017, we wanted to take a moment and thank you for your support. We’re excited for December because we have a few new experiences and in-game events planned for you before wrapping up the year. While we cannot share all the details yet, keep an eye out on our social media channels on December 12th for details about the first addition of more Pokémon into Pokémon GO.
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Sprint to create a special Pokémon GO experience at over 10,500 Sprint locations around the United States. As part of this collaboration, Sprint, Boost Mobile and Sprint at Radioshack stores will become PokéStops and Gyms, giving you even more places to stock up on Poké Balls and Razz Berries and to battle your friends. Sprint locations will also feature in-store charging stations to keep your Pokémon GO sessions going even longer. Sprint also brings a great network and an unlimited data plan to support your search for Pokémon no matter where they are hiding.
— John Hanke and the Pokémon GO team
Annoyed that America gets an event and rest of us don't...
(07 Dec 2016, 2:03 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]From the Pokemon Facebook page:
More Pokemon coming 12th December! (doesn't say if it's legends or Gen 2)
As we race towards 2017, we wanted to take a moment and thank you for your support. We’re excited for December because we have a few new experiences and in-game events planned for you before wrapping up the year. While we cannot share all the details yet, keep an eye out on our social media channels on December 12th for details about the first addition of more Pokémon into Pokémon GO.
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Sprint to create a special Pokémon GO experience at over 10,500 Sprint locations around the United States. As part of this collaboration, Sprint, Boost Mobile and Sprint at Radioshack stores will become PokéStops and Gyms, giving you even more places to stock up on Poké Balls and Razz Berries and to battle your friends. Sprint locations will also feature in-store charging stations to keep your Pokémon GO sessions going even longer. Sprint also brings a great network and an unlimited data plan to support your search for Pokémon no matter where they are hiding.
— John Hanke and the Pokémon GO team
Annoyed that America gets an event and rest of us don't...
I took that as they'll be making an announcement on the 12th.
The rumour was that US starbucks were going to be a partner, starting tomorrow. Evidently not!
(07 Dec 2016, 7:11 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]I took that as they'll be making an announcement on the 12th.
The rumour was that US starbucks were going to be a partner, starting tomorrow. Evidently not!
Ye, hoping its gen 2 haha, still haven't got the recent update.
Ye i think the starbucks in America is happening tomorrow.
(07 Dec 2016, 7:19 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Ye, hoping its gen 2 haha, still haven't got the recent update.
Ye i think the starbucks in America is happening tomorrow.
The update will probably come through at the same time as Nougat, which is being released for my phone, imminently!
(07 Dec 2016, 9:25 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]The update will probably come through at the same time as Nougat, which is being released for my phone, imminently!
Still haven't got the last update (the one where u can send multiple Pokemon to Professor Willow!
12/12 seems to be the date atm for the new Pokemon.
(08 Dec 2016, 1:12 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Still haven't got the last update (the one where u can send multiple Pokemon to Professor Willow!
12/12 seems to be the date atm for the new Pokemon.
it's in the play store, now.
The gen 2 update will probably be server side, like when special events launch, since most of the code is already in place on the app.
(08 Dec 2016, 9:58 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]it's in the play store, now.
The gen 2 update will probably be server side, like when special events launch, since most of the code is already in place on the app.
About time.
Happening on Monday, looking forward to it, watch this, i bet its the legendary Pokemon haha
(08 Dec 2016, 10:01 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]About time.
Happening on Monday, looking forward to it, watch this, i bet its the legendary Pokemon haha
Eevees have been like vermin this past day or so - don't know if you've noticed the same. I'm wondering if the new ones will be introduced in batches, with events for each.
(08 Dec 2016, 10:16 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Eevees have been like vermin this past day or so - don't know if you've noticed the same. I'm wondering if the new ones will be introduced in batches, with events for each.
Ye, they are like, it's annoying, i currently have over 100 Eevee candies so hoping its a straight evolution, although, i think the Gen 2 evolution's are done by day and night on the games so wonder if it'll be the same on Pokemon Go.
The tracker system has changed, it looks a lot better.
(09 Dec 2016, 10:41 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Level 30!
Wooo grats

(09 Dec 2016, 10:50 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Wooo grats 
Half a million xp off level 31, like!
21000xp down, 479000xp to go.
To put in perspective how steep it gets, at this point, I have about 2 million xp, now, which is over twice as much as bigun, on level 26.
(10 Dec 2016, 8:02 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]21000xp down, 479000xp to go.
To put in perspective how steep it gets, at this point, I have about 2 million xp, now, which is over twice as much as bigun, on level 26.
=0, that's alot, just think if Gen 2 is out next week, it might help!
Just hope they decide to extend it to level 50 for Gen 2, level 60 for gen 3 etc.
(10 Dec 2016, 8:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]=0, that's alot, just think if Gen 2 is out next week, it might help!
Just hope they decide to extend it to level 50 for Gen 2, level 60 for gen 3 etc.
I think the jumps between levels would be ridiculous by then!
Here you go. From level 36 to 37 requires an increase in xp the same as the total of what I've gained since July!
(10 Dec 2016, 8:08 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]I think the jumps between levels would be ridiculous by then!
haha aye, but it'll boring if the cap remains at 40, hopefully new rewards come out too.
Not Pokemon Go but Pokemon cards, i was bored tonight and looked through my cards, after some research, i found i have loads of Pokemon which all together are worth around £200-£220 and prices are going up.
Symbols on Pokemon cards:
Black circle: common.
Black diamond: uncommon.
Black star: rare or holo rare.
White star: ultra rares tht will include EX, Full Art, or Secret Rare.
Pokemon cards with "First edition" is also worth some money (depending on which Pokemon it is)
Pokemon cards which have 121/120 are also worth some money.

, get checking!
Professor Willow has discovered Togepi and Pichu hatching from Eggs! Starting later today, Trainers will have the opportunity to hatch these and several other Pokémon that were originally discovered in the Johto Region in Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. These are the first of more Pokémon coming to Pokémon GO over the next few months. Be sure to use the hashtag #PokemonGO on Twitter to share your experiences as you explore your local neighborhoods with family and friends, walk to hatch these Pokémon from Eggs, and register them to your collection this holiday season. We can’t wait to see what Pokémon you’ve hatched!
We also have another special treat for you. Starting later today through December 29, 2016, 10:00 A.M. PST, you’ll find limited edition Pikachu all over the world. These Pikachu will be wearing a festive hat to celebrate the season! Use the Pokémon GO AR camera when you encounter them in the wild to take their picture and share it with us using #HolidayPikachu.
—The Pokémon GO team
The baby Pokemon should be:
Pichu → Pikachu.
Igglybuff → Jigglypuff.
Cleffa → Clefairy.
Elekid → Electabuzz.
Magby → Magmar.
Smoochum → Jynx.
Tyrogue → Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Hitmontop.
Would imagine these are from 2km eggs.
(14 Dec 2016, 10:05 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]New updated egg chart:
Didn't expect pichu to be 5k
(12 Dec 2016, 7:03 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]The baby Pokemon should be:
Pichu → Pikachu.
Igglybuff → Jigglypuff.
Cleffa → Clefairy.
Elekid → Electabuzz.
Magby → Magmar.
Smoochum → Jynx.
Tyrogue → Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Hitmontop.
Would imagine these are from 2km eggs.
Does Togepi not have an evolution path in the release? Togetic was also in Gen 2.
(14 Dec 2016, 6:10 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Does Togepi not have an evolution path in the release? Togetic was also in Gen 2.
Ye it does, just didn't put it on, my bad!
(14 Dec 2016, 1:29 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Didn't expect pichu to be 5k
Same, few unexpected ones.
Only egg Pokemon yet to appear is..
Reports that nests have changed today - i'm at work today (7:30am till 4:15pm but doubt it's going to be 4:15, kids party and nativity today) so can't confirm what Barnes/Roker Park is.
Hate eggs on Pokemon Go... 6 5Km eggs and all rubbish Pokemon..
Starting with Paris...
(16 Dec 2016, 4:28 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Hate eggs on Pokemon Go... 6 5Km eggs and all rubbish Pokemon..
Starting with Paris...
Well you say that....
I agree somewhat but yesterday I got an oddish meaning I now have a 1307cp Vileplume!
(17 Dec 2016, 10:00 am)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Well you say that....
I agree somewhat but yesterday I got an oddish meaning I now have a 1307cp Vileplume!
It gets old when you hatch your 4th Magmar but still don't have lapras or snorlax, though!
(17 Dec 2016, 10:14 am)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]It gets old when you hatch your 4th Magmar but still don't have lapras or snorlax, though!
Don't say... i always seem to get Ekans or Staru's from 5km eggs....
I could do with getting eggs for the Pokemon i need:
Still need to get loads of Pokemon i need from evolution's;
Farfetch'd (exclusive to Asia)
Kangaskhan (exclusive to Australia)
Then we have the legendary Pokemon, which are yet to be released.