17 Dec 2016, 6:54 pm
18 Dec 2016, 6:01 pm
15 Pokéstops today and 1.. 2KM egg -.-
Not long for you then
(17 Dec 2016, 6:54 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]https://trainerlevelspeed.de/
Not long for you then

18 Dec 2016, 10:34 pm
(18 Dec 2016, 6:01 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]15 Pokéstops today and 1.. 2KM egg -.-
Not long for you then
See now why I don't think new levels are a priority? The most prolific players I know are around level 32-33 - almost twice the XP that I have. I can hazard a guess that the majority of players further on than that didn't get there legitimately.
18 Dec 2016, 10:36 pm
(18 Dec 2016, 10:34 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]See now why I don't think new levels are a priority? The most prolific players I know are around level 32-33 - almost twice the XP that I have. I can hazard a guess that the majority of players further on than that didn't get there legitimately.

19 Dec 2016, 2:01 pm
Just on the way back from picking up some doduo around Middlesbrough's central library and MIMA
19 Dec 2016, 9:34 pm
(19 Dec 2016, 2:01 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Just on the way back from picking up some doduo around Middlesbrough's central library and MIMA
Nice, looks like it's a nest.
I've yet to go out and play it, hopefully i can get out this week, as i'm off work this week

Although i'm struggling to get eggs.
20 Dec 2016, 12:27 am
(19 Dec 2016, 9:34 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Nice, looks like it's a nest.
I've yet to go out and play it, hopefully i can get out this week, as i'm off work this week.
Although i'm struggling to get eggs.
PLenty of eggs, but have only hatched vermin.
It's definitely a regular nest, and I'm keeping an eye on Ludworth Road cemetery, now I've discovered a nest there. Might pop over again on Thursday. Thinking of doing leazes park again on Wednesday and back to cleadon park fo a load of Bulbs on Friday, if littl'un is amenable. He was hard work today, but had a migraine, yesterday, so was a little buzzed.
21 Dec 2016, 6:05 pm
Anyone else's Pokemon Go not loading after it goes in to the game, mines just showing a white screen?
Another example below... Ever since the laat update.
Another example below... Ever since the laat update.
21 Dec 2016, 9:20 pm
(21 Dec 2016, 6:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Anyone else's Pokemon Go not loading after it goes in to the game, mines just showing a white screen?
Another example below... Ever since the laat update.
Fine for me. I just do a forced stop and restart my phone when I get any persistent oddness like that.
No hunting today. Not well. And looking at Big'un, we're not hunting tomorrow, either. Shame because I want to get to cleadon for some bulbs.
21 Dec 2016, 9:35 pm
(21 Dec 2016, 9:20 pm)BusLoverMum wrote [ -> ]Fine for me. I just do a forced stop and restart my phone when I get any persistent oddness like that.
No hunting today. Not well. And looking at Big'un, we're not hunting tomorrow, either. Shame because I want to get to cleadon for some bulbs.
Hope you feel better for Christmas.
I haven't been out in a while too, don't have time.
23 Dec 2016, 3:13 pm
My current best pokemon list stands at the following:
Abra 485cp
Aerodactyl 1790cp
Arbok 978cp
Beedrill 998cp
Bellsprout 510cp
Bulbasaur 534cp
Butterfree 834cp
Caterpie 172cp
Chansey 796cp
Charmander 461cp
Clefable 998cp
Clefairy 410cp
Cleffa 355cp
Cloyster 1384cp
Cubone 467cp
Diglett 202cp
Ditto 236cp
Doduo 543cp
Dragonair 543cp
Dratini 187cp
Drowzee 568cp
Eevee 533cp
Ekans 50cp
Electabuzz 1042cp
Fearow 1062cp
Flareon 1680cp
Gastly 520cp
Gengar 1237cp
Geodude 544cp
Gloom 629cp
Golbat 1088cp
Goldee 556cp
Golduck 1277cp
Graveler 976cp
Grimer 583cp
Growlithe 157cp
Haunter 956cp
Hitmonlee 1379cp
Hitmonchan 66cp
Horsea 424cp
Hypno 1150cp
Igglybuff 289cp
Jigglypuff 312cp
Jolteon 1502cp
Jynx 1645cp
Kadabra 1038cp
Kakuna 204cp
Kingler 1508cp
Koffing 584cp
Krabby 739cp
Machoke 1074cp
Machop 641cp
Magikarp 81cp
Magnemite 607cp
Magneton 1167cp
Mankey 194cp
Marowak 711cp
Meowth 319cp
Metapod 206cp
Mr Mime 1105cp
Nidoking 1345cp
Nidoran Female 406cp
Nidoran Male 415cp
Nidorina 578cp
Nidorino 359cp
Oddish 583cp
Onix 615cp
Paras 373cp
Parasect 864cp
Persian 852cp
Pidgeot 1063cp
Pidgeotto 608cp
Pidgey 293cp
Pikachu 433cp
Pinsir 1574cp
Poliwag 193cp
Poliwhirl 293cp
Poliwrath 605cp
Ponyta 691cp
Psyduck 507cp
Raticate 886cp
Rattata 287cp
Rhydon 1809cp
Rhyhorn 879cp
Sandshrew 650cp
Seadra 1128cp
Seaking 1168cp
Seel 515cp
Shelder 516cp
Slowpoke 672cp
Spearow 336cp
Squirtle 370cp
Starmie 1251cp
Staryu 558cp
Tangela 1234cp
Tentacool 529cp
Vaporeon 1680cp
Venomoth 1269cp
Venonat 445cp
Victreebel 1462cp
Vileplume 1307cp
Voltorb 511cp
Vulpix 451cp
Wartortle 292cp
Weedle 204cp
Weepinbell 626cp
Weezing 626cp
Wigglytuff 1056cp
Zubat 277cp
Therefore the pokemon I still need are:
Mew 2
All new baby pokemon except cleffa and igglybuff
Abra 485cp
Aerodactyl 1790cp
Arbok 978cp
Beedrill 998cp
Bellsprout 510cp
Bulbasaur 534cp
Butterfree 834cp
Caterpie 172cp
Chansey 796cp
Charmander 461cp
Clefable 998cp
Clefairy 410cp
Cleffa 355cp
Cloyster 1384cp
Cubone 467cp
Diglett 202cp
Ditto 236cp
Doduo 543cp
Dragonair 543cp
Dratini 187cp
Drowzee 568cp
Eevee 533cp
Ekans 50cp
Electabuzz 1042cp
Fearow 1062cp
Flareon 1680cp
Gastly 520cp
Gengar 1237cp
Geodude 544cp
Gloom 629cp
Golbat 1088cp
Goldee 556cp
Golduck 1277cp
Graveler 976cp
Grimer 583cp
Growlithe 157cp
Haunter 956cp
Hitmonlee 1379cp
Hitmonchan 66cp
Horsea 424cp
Hypno 1150cp
Igglybuff 289cp
Jigglypuff 312cp
Jolteon 1502cp
Jynx 1645cp
Kadabra 1038cp
Kakuna 204cp
Kingler 1508cp
Koffing 584cp
Krabby 739cp
Machoke 1074cp
Machop 641cp
Magikarp 81cp
Magnemite 607cp
Magneton 1167cp
Mankey 194cp
Marowak 711cp
Meowth 319cp
Metapod 206cp
Mr Mime 1105cp
Nidoking 1345cp
Nidoran Female 406cp
Nidoran Male 415cp
Nidorina 578cp
Nidorino 359cp
Oddish 583cp
Onix 615cp
Paras 373cp
Parasect 864cp
Persian 852cp
Pidgeot 1063cp
Pidgeotto 608cp
Pidgey 293cp
Pikachu 433cp
Pinsir 1574cp
Poliwag 193cp
Poliwhirl 293cp
Poliwrath 605cp
Ponyta 691cp
Psyduck 507cp
Raticate 886cp
Rattata 287cp
Rhydon 1809cp
Rhyhorn 879cp
Sandshrew 650cp
Seadra 1128cp
Seaking 1168cp
Seel 515cp
Shelder 516cp
Slowpoke 672cp
Spearow 336cp
Squirtle 370cp
Starmie 1251cp
Staryu 558cp
Tangela 1234cp
Tentacool 529cp
Vaporeon 1680cp
Venomoth 1269cp
Venonat 445cp
Victreebel 1462cp
Vileplume 1307cp
Voltorb 511cp
Vulpix 451cp
Wartortle 292cp
Weedle 204cp
Weepinbell 626cp
Weezing 626cp
Wigglytuff 1056cp
Zubat 277cp
Therefore the pokemon I still need are:
Mew 2
All new baby pokemon except cleffa and igglybuff
23 Dec 2016, 6:15 pm
Nice list 
As the year draws to a close, we want to give you a great way to celebrate the end of the year with Pokémon GO. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll have even more reason to explore the world with your friends and family while you enjoy our year-end event.
Don’t miss out on an increased chance to hatch a Togepi (and other Pokémon)! Starting the morning of December 25, 2016, and through the afternoon of January 3, 2017 (PST), PokéStops will award one single-use Incubator each day after your first Photo Disc spin. As you visit PokéStops during this time period, there will be a greater chance of finding Eggs that hatch Togepi, Pichu, and several other recently found Pokémon, originally discovered in the Johto region. Special Pikachu wearing festive hats will also be staying around a bit longer! You are more likely to find these limited-edition Pikachu during the time period of this celebration.
In addition, from the afternoon of December 30, 2016, through the afternoon of January 8, 2017 (PST), the first partner Pokémon and their Evolutions, originally discovered in the Kanto region, are more likely to be encountered. This means a greater chance to catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur, as well as Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard, plus Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise! As a way to increase your chance to encounter one of these Pokémon, Lure Modules will also last for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
Get up and go!
—The Pokémon GO team

As the year draws to a close, we want to give you a great way to celebrate the end of the year with Pokémon GO. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll have even more reason to explore the world with your friends and family while you enjoy our year-end event.
Don’t miss out on an increased chance to hatch a Togepi (and other Pokémon)! Starting the morning of December 25, 2016, and through the afternoon of January 3, 2017 (PST), PokéStops will award one single-use Incubator each day after your first Photo Disc spin. As you visit PokéStops during this time period, there will be a greater chance of finding Eggs that hatch Togepi, Pichu, and several other recently found Pokémon, originally discovered in the Johto region. Special Pikachu wearing festive hats will also be staying around a bit longer! You are more likely to find these limited-edition Pikachu during the time period of this celebration.
In addition, from the afternoon of December 30, 2016, through the afternoon of January 8, 2017 (PST), the first partner Pokémon and their Evolutions, originally discovered in the Kanto region, are more likely to be encountered. This means a greater chance to catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur, as well as Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard, plus Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise! As a way to increase your chance to encounter one of these Pokémon, Lure Modules will also last for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
Get up and go!
—The Pokémon GO team
24 Dec 2016, 11:40 am
Still having problems with the game loading..... starting to get really annoying.
Evolved some Pokemon and i got to level 25..
Evolved some Pokemon and i got to level 25..
24 Dec 2016, 11:53 am
My Pokemon so far..
24 Dec 2016, 4:15 pm
I now have Rapidash
24 Dec 2016, 4:48 pm
(24 Dec 2016, 4:15 pm)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]I now have Rapidash
Nice, what level?
24 Dec 2016, 11:00 pm
I'm looking forward to the starter pokemon event - we're sure to be overrun with loads of squirtles that I don't even need 

25 Dec 2016, 7:46 am
(24 Dec 2016, 4:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Nice, what level?
It is CP 1253
25 Dec 2016, 10:24 am
Don't know if anyone on here has seen it or played it before, but Pokemon Showdown looks pretty good! Playing online (without downloading the client) is the best option.
25 Dec 2016, 5:07 pm
This has been an exciting year for Pokémon GO! As we look ahead to 2017, we have one more surprise for you! We will be adding a few limited-time holiday item packs to the Pokémon GO in-game shop at a discounted rate. The morning of December 25 through the afternoon of December 30 (PST), we’ll be releasing Special, Great, and Ultra Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incubators, Incense, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. From the afternoon of December 30 through the afternoon of January 3 (PST) we’ll release Bronze, Silver, and Gold Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incense, Lure Modules, Lucky Eggs, Poké Balls, and Great Balls.
—The Pokémon GO team
Don't get excited...
I haven't tried it, might have too.
This has been an exciting year for Pokémon GO! As we look ahead to 2017, we have one more surprise for you! We will be adding a few limited-time holiday item packs to the Pokémon GO in-game shop at a discounted rate. The morning of December 25 through the afternoon of December 30 (PST), we’ll be releasing Special, Great, and Ultra Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incubators, Incense, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. From the afternoon of December 30 through the afternoon of January 3 (PST) we’ll release Bronze, Silver, and Gold Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incense, Lure Modules, Lucky Eggs, Poké Balls, and Great Balls.
—The Pokémon GO team
Don't get excited...
(25 Dec 2016, 10:24 am)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Don't know if anyone on here has seen it or played it before, but Pokemon Showdown looks pretty good! Playing online (without downloading the client) is the best option.
I haven't tried it, might have too.
25 Dec 2016, 11:41 pm
(25 Dec 2016, 5:07 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Trainers,The special box looks worth it, but I need to visit a few shops toorw and hope that google opinion rewards is generous.
This has been an exciting year for Pokémon GO! As we look ahead to 2017, we have one more surprise for you! We will be adding a few limited-time holiday item packs to the Pokémon GO in-game shop at a discounted rate. The morning of December 25 through the afternoon of December 30 (PST), we’ll be releasing Special, Great, and Ultra Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incubators, Incense, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls. From the afternoon of December 30 through the afternoon of January 3 (PST) we’ll release Bronze, Silver, and Gold Boxes. Items in these Boxes include Incense, Lure Modules, Lucky Eggs, Poké Balls, and Great Balls.
—The Pokémon GO team
Don't get excited...
I haven't tried it, might have too.
A bajillion incense doesn't tempt me at all. It's crap.
27 Dec 2016, 6:34 pm
Only about 160cp, but I caught another Dragonite at Eldon Square earlier.
29 Dec 2016, 9:46 am
That awkward moment when u click evolve instead of transfer on your Oddish....... great now i'm back down to 69 candies, was so close to evolving my Gloom! =(
02 Jan 2017, 11:26 am
Since the new update with the starter event I have a few more pokemon in pokedex. These are:
Ivysaur best at 813cp
Kabuto 289cp
Charmeleon 714cp
Scyther best is 1064-Gosforth Central Park is now a nest
Pichu 200cp
Smoochum 683cp
Togepi 300cp
Ivysaur best at 813cp
Kabuto 289cp
Charmeleon 714cp
Scyther best is 1064-Gosforth Central Park is now a nest
Pichu 200cp
Smoochum 683cp
Togepi 300cp
02 Jan 2017, 12:34 pm
(02 Jan 2017, 11:26 am)NK53 TKT wrote [ -> ]Since the new update with the starter event I have a few more pokemon in pokedex. These are:
Ivysaur best at 813cp
Kabuto 289cp
Charmeleon 714cp
Scyther best is 1064-Gosforth Central Park is now a nest
Pichu 200cp
Smoochum 683cp
Togepi 300cp
Nice, i have non of the baby Pokemon yet....
03 Jan 2017, 6:53 pm
Well there's certainly a lot of starter Pokemon around! I've caught more Squirtle than anything else, but ended up on a bit of a Charmander spree later on this afternoon. I missed out on a Charmeleon (ran after 1 ball), and I was just a bit out of the way for a Venusaur (Stadium of Light) and Charizard (Gateshead Snooker Club).
My candies are building up nicely, so I should have a Blastoise at some point tomorrow!
My candies are building up nicely, so I should have a Blastoise at some point tomorrow!
03 Jan 2017, 7:00 pm
(03 Jan 2017, 6:53 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Well there's certainly a lot of starter Pokemon around! I've caught more Squirtle than anything else, but ended up on a bit of a Charmander spree later on this afternoon. I missed out on a Charmeleon (ran after 1 ball), and I was just a bit out of the way for a Venusaur (Stadium of Light) and Charizard (Gateshead Snooker Club).
My candies are building up nicely, so I should have a Blastoise at some point tomorrow!
Not bad!, i haven't had a chance to take advantage of the event yet, hoping to get out tomorrow, it runs until 8th January PST time.
In addition, from the afternoon of December 30, 2016, through the afternoon of January 8, 2017 (PST), the first partner Pokémon and their Evolutions, originally discovered in the Kanto region, are more likely to be encountered. This means a greater chance to catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur, as well as Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard, plus Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise! As a way to increase your chance to encounter one of these Pokémon, Lure Modules will also last for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
03 Jan 2017, 11:36 pm
(03 Jan 2017, 6:53 pm)Adrian wrote [ -> ]Well there's certainly a lot of starter Pokemon around! I've caught more Squirtle than anything else, but ended up on a bit of a Charmander spree later on this afternoon. I missed out on a Charmeleon (ran after 1 ball), and I was just a bit out of the way for a Venusaur (Stadium of Light) and Charizard (Gateshead Snooker Club).
My candies are building up nicely, so I should have a Blastoise at some point tomorrow!
If you're fit enough, get yourself into Wharton Park - it's a Bulbasaur nest (and Velvet Elvis, or whatever the pokestop is there, is most definitely a Bulb spawn instead of its usual Slowpoke spawn.
North park in Darlo is also a bulb nest, for those further South.
04 Jan 2017, 2:19 pm
I went to a long walk today, started at Whitburn, via Seaburn, Roker Park, Roker, Roker Marina, Glass Centre/St Peters and then ended at Wheatsheaf...
This is what i caught and hatched, also what eggs i currently have can be seen below... (it ends at the Jigglypuff before the 500cp Pikachu)
This is what i caught and hatched, also what eggs i currently have can be seen below... (it ends at the Jigglypuff before the 500cp Pikachu)
04 Jan 2017, 7:20 pm
I done two laps of Saltwell Park, as well as a trip round Newcastle, and I've managed to collect enough Squirtle and Bulbasaur candy. Still somewhat short on Charmander candy, but I'm getting there!