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(06 Sep 2014, 7:53 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Haha, maybe 
Its cooking, motor vehicle, 1 more subject... cant renember what it was
So basically just life skills then [emoji13]
(06 Sep 2014, 7:55 am)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]So basically just life skills then [emoji13]
Ye XD, it might of being wood work to not sure..
(06 Sep 2014, 7:48 am)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]What is enrichment??? Is it like learning how to enrich plutonium or uranium or something 
We had our first lesson of Enrichment yesterday, and it was basically sitting there talking.
The teacher started the lesson with, 'If you were a car, which car would you be?'
I turned to the lass next to me and went, 'I'd be a Merc, 'cause I'm smooth to riiiide...' - she burst out laughing, and the teacher asked me to share.
Fair to say I made something else up! That Busman1 is a bad influence!
After that, we discussed our upcoming trip to London.
(06 Sep 2014, 8:35 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]We had our first lesson of Enrichment yesterday, and it was basically sitting there talking.
The teacher started the lesson with, 'If you were a car, which car would you be?'
I turned to the lass next to me and went, 'I'd be a Merc, 'cause I'm smooth to riiiide...' - she burst out laughing, and the teacher asked me to share.
Fair to say I made something else up! That Busman1 is a bad influence! 
After that, we discussed our upcoming trip to London.
I disagree
Aston Martin all the way!
(06 Sep 2014, 8:41 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]I disagree 
Aston Martin all the way!
Another lad after me went, "I'd be a Ferrari because I'm fast paced"
The teacher went, "So you do your work really fast?"
He went, "Erm, yeah..that."
May as well ask the same question to all of you (hopefully taken a bit more seriously than what the lads did in my year group)...
If you were a car, what car would you be? Give your accompanying reasons why.
(06 Sep 2014, 8:45 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Another lad after me went, "I'd be a Ferrari because I'm fast paced"
The teacher went, "So you do your work really fast?"
He went, "Erm, yeah..that."
May as well ask the same question to all of you (hopefully taken a bit more seriously than what the lads did in my year group)...
If you were a car, what car would you be? Give your accompanying reasons why.
Oh god, there are many cars i would love to drive... with Aston Martin DB5 on top of the list... its just pure pornography!
Wouldn't mind being a Lamborghini of some sort!
When i was in the lakes.. i seen a mint green Lamborghini Gallardo.. i have to say the colour really suited it!
Although.... bugatti veyron is quite nice...
When i went to Manchester in April 2013... i seen....
![[Image: 10630632_10203605324166553_4847802840513126374_o.jpg]](
- Traffic warden came over gave him a ticket... everyone started to boo him haha.... its not like he can't pay it
And a couple of Ferrari's, Bugatti Veyron, i did how ever see 2 Aston Martin DB5's...
Koenigsegg CCX
![[Image: Koenigsegg_CCX_parked.jpg]](
(06 Sep 2014, 9:08 am)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Koenigsegg CCX
![[Image: Koenigsegg_CCX_parked.jpg]](
Why would you consider yourself to be that car?
Have you got curves in all the right places, just like the car?

(06 Sep 2014, 9:14 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Why would you consider yourself to be that car?
Have you got curves in all the right places, just like the car? 
Nah, thats what I want to be hahaha
This is more me
Old, looking rough and worn out
(06 Sep 2014, 9:27 am)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]Nah, thats what I want to be hahaha
This is more me
![[Image: Robin+Reliant.jpg]](
Old, looking rough and worn out
Howay man. Busman1 will be going wild if he notices you've posted a picture of his car.
BMW E60 M5 hands down for me. Absolute monster that sounds fantastic.
I have to say i miss learning about Ancient Egypt
It was one of my favorite subjects in History when in primary school..
Got options forms today - I am basically wondering what is the difference between Business Com Systems and Business Studies?
And also, what is my best option between GSCE ICT and GSCE Computer Science.
Haven't got mine yet...but tomorrow should be, erm, eventful...INJECTIONS.

(19 Jan 2015, 5:06 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Haven't got mine yet...but tomorrow should be, erm, eventful...INJECTIONS. 
What infection you getting
(19 Jan 2015, 5:08 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]@Fozz - Polio, etc
Worst one i got...BCG or BFG whatever it is called when I was 13/14
They haven't told us where yet, last year the girls got them in the arm - apparently we are getting ours in de ASS.
@Marcus - they are done in the arm!
@Tom, probs just some kids messing with our heads. lol
(19 Jan 2015, 5:08 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]@Fozz - Polio, etc
Haha me too!
They don't really bother me, but some people are making a big fuss about it.
Yeah lots of rumors have been going round like that.
I just don't like needles. Sounds very odd, but I think of it as a sword that's stabbing me.
I'm worried blood will gush everywhere, etc.
Sounds daft I know.
@Tom - BCS is ICT & Business combined.
In my school, Year 11 and below are allocated two hours for General P.E (Games). Last year, as I regularly had an excuse for not being able to take part in the lesson, my school asked for parental consent for me to sit out of the lesson completely and work on the Media Studies (Dual Award), so as to allow me to gain an additional GCSE compared to my fellow classmates.
This two-hour period of Media Studies was unsupervised and was held in the ICT room. At the time, a lesson of Year 10 BCS took place. It was the first year my school offered BCS, and I have to say it appeared to work well. For GCSEs, there are no 'option blocks' in my school and everyone can take exactly what they like, but this posed a problem last year when the Year 10s were choosing their GCSEs, as their year group consists of around 30 students (highly unusual of my school - when most year groups consist of 10-20). This posed a challenge to our Director of Studies at the time, and he had no other option but to offer BCS as the alternative, as there was no way all 30 students could take ICT, Business Studies and their other eight chosen subjects.
As I was taking both ICT and Business Studies separately, I was able to compare the two. Whilst I personally would have hated to take them separately opposed to combined (given that it would have meant me taking Art, D.T, H.E/Food & Nutrition, P.E or R.E), it has worked very well for students in my school who form part of a year group with more diverse 'subject tastes'. It did appear to be a lot more interesting than both the separated subjects, though.
(19 Jan 2015, 5:19 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I just don't like needles. Sounds very odd, but I think of it as a sword that's stabbing me.
I'm worried blood will gush everywhere, etc. 
Sounds daft I know.
I'm sure you will be fine
Cheers! What one would you overall recommend?
(19 Jan 2015, 5:11 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]They haven't told us where yet, last year the girls got them in the arm - apparently we are getting ours in de ASS.
When I was in Gran Canaria in 2007, I thought I was having a heart attack and we had to call a doctor, when the doc came, be found it was just high blood pressure...He told me I would need 2 injections, 1 painkiller and 1 steroid...I started to roll my sleeves till he said 'drop your pants', i got 2 of the biggest needles i have ever seen in my left cheek...
Next day my arse was a massive bruise...I felt violated lol
It just depends on you, really. How many subjects are you allowed to take in total?
Compulsory subjects in my school were as follows:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- 2x Sciences (Biology/Chemistry/Physics)
- 1x Language (French/German)
The other four subjects were our choice. For my language, I chose French. I also chose all three sciences (eating up one of my choices), and in addition to that, I chose Business Studies, ICT and Media Studies.
Business Studies is heavily based around case studies. In an AQA GCSE paper, there are three or four questions in total. The case study is like a little story about a business and the owner(s) of the business being unable to make up their mind. There are one or two parts to the question which are short answers which you've just got to know, and one question which is about 15 marks and it's essay-based. Basically giving the pros and cons of both things (which you'd learn in your Business Studies lessons), and then choosing which one you think would be the best one to go for and why. Bit of maths in there, too, and I always thought these questions were a gift at GCSE.
My school does GCSE ICT with Edexcel, on the basis that it's a lot easier to teach. I got full marks in the exam paper and my coursework was almost full marks too. Minus one or two candidates out of about 15 who took it in my year group, we all got A*s and As.
(19 Jan 2015, 5:33 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]@Tom
It just depends on you, really. How many subjects are you allowed to take in total?
Compulsory subjects in my school were as follows:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- 2x Sciences (Biology/Chemistry/Physics)
- 1x Language (French/German)
The other four subjects were our choice. For my language, I chose French. I also chose all three sciences (eating up one of my choices), and in addition to that, I chose Business Studies, ICT and Media Studies.
Business Studies is heavily based around case studies. In an AQA GCSE paper, there are three or four questions in total. The case study is like a little story about a business and the owner(s) of the business being unable to make up their mind. There are one or two parts to the question which are short answers which you've just got to know, and one question which is about 15 marks and it's essay-based. Basically giving the pros and cons of both things (which you'd learn in your Business Studies lessons), and then choosing which one you think would be the best one to go for and why. Bit of maths in there, too, and I always thought these questions were a gift at GCSE.
My school does GCSE ICT with Edexcel, on the basis that it's a lot easier to teach. I got full marks in the exam paper and my coursework was almost full marks too. Minus one or two candidates out of about 15 who took it in my year group, we all got A*s and As.
Don't know how you made it through the whole two years!

No, neither do I..........................
I didn't have a clue in the exam, and I just wrote a load of tosh. There was a question about a house party (at least I think that's what it was), and I suggested that people were sick up the walls and all sorts.

We are allowed to pick four subjects in total, but one of them has to be a Humanity and another a language (French or German).
We are then allowed to pick two others ones, either Business Com System, Business Studies, ICT or Computer Science. I'm not sure what exactly Computer Science is though.
I remember getting my TB one... my arm was dead for rest of the day.......
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