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(23 Jan 2015, 11:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Let's hope you find out before you lose your V plates.
Could be little Marcuses running about all over! Will be too late then.
Can't believe the school haven't taught that mind.
I am also surprised he aint been taught it, what kind of school you goto Marcus, a devout religious place
(23 Jan 2015, 11:23 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]I am also surprised he aint been taught it, what kind of school you goto Marcus, a devout religious place
(23 Jan 2015, 11:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Let's hope you find out before you lose your V plates.
Could be little Marcuses running about all over! Will be too late then.
Can't believe the school haven't taught that mind.
No idea. I don't know if I missed that lesson or what...I just don't remember what fertilisation means.
Is it where the, erm, X-Wing fires the laser and it hits the Death Star on target?

(23 Jan 2015, 11:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Let's hope you find out before you lose your V plates.
Could be little Marcuses running about all over! Will be too late then.
Can't believe the school haven't taught that mind.
Do schools even bother anymore or do they just assume they know everything already. My school was terrible we learnt practically nothing about sex often when they split the boys and the girls, the girls often going off with who did all the sex ed stuff and we often ended up going with our form tutor and ending up playing basketball instead.
To be fair, whilst I would never do anything underage - I know exactly what to do and not to do.
Like Andreos says - the Marcus army, complete with the 501st legion of little Marcuses don't want to have to execute Order 69...

(23 Jan 2015, 11:23 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I think you've mentioned this before...did the woman say something like 'when your willy gets hard' and you ran out in tears? 
Yes, thats probably the one, very childish...
At 32, I am just a big man-child, I still giggle about sexual things, and I still like a good fart, the kind what can cause the evacuation of the top deck of a double decker...Sexual Humour and Toilet Humour are the best

(23 Jan 2015, 11:33 pm)MrFozz wrote [ -> ]Yes, thats probably the one, very childish...
At 32, I am just a big man-child, I still giggle about sexual things, and I still like a good fart, the kind what can cause the evacuation of the top deck of a double decker...Sexual Humour and Toilet Humour are the best 
Oh Fozz, I think everyone will agree with me that NEB would be nothing without you!

(23 Jan 2015, 11:28 pm)Jimmi wrote [ -> ]Do schools even bother anymore or do they just assume they know everything already. My school was terrible we learnt practically nothing about sex often when they split the boys and the girls, the girls often going off with who did all the sex ed stuff and we often ended up going with our form tutor and ending up playing basketball instead.
Aye, was just saying earlier that my eldest (in yr8 now), was taught last year in yr7.
(23 Jan 2015, 11:31 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]To be fair, whilst I would never do anything underage - I know exactly what to do and not to do.
Like Andreos says - the Marcus army, complete with the 501st legion of little Marcuses don't want to have to execute Order 69...
Good on you mate...Dont jump into it just because you feel you have too
(23 Jan 2015, 11:35 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Aye, was just saying earlier that my eldest (in yr8 now), was taught last year in yr7.
Most other schools must have better thought about it than mine did, we just got the basics like how sex works but I don't remember ever being taught things how to put a condom on unless I missed that lesson when I was ill alot when I was in year 8.
For the benefit of those who haven't seen a floppy - here is a photo of an 8"; a 5 1/4"; and a 3 1/2 inch.
![[Image: 1280px-Floppy_disk_2009_G1.jpg]](
I'm in Lower Sixth now and still haven't had Sex Education. I'm 18 at the end of the year.
The teacher who used to teach it during PSHE lessons retired, and from what I understand (having complained to the Senior Leadership Team at my school), none of the other teachers at my school felt comfortable teaching it to younger students.
I will never forget, in Year 10, a girl approaching my Biology teacher and saying, "Miss, you know crabs... Do you get them by having sex on a beach?" She was deadly serious.
There are now a number of people in my year group who have had sex, but I guess they had to do their own research prior to the event!
(24 Jan 2015, 12:31 am)MurdnunoC wrote [ -> ]For the benefit of those who haven't seen a floppy - here is a photo of an 8"; a 5 1/4"; and a 3 1/2 inch.
![[Image: 1280px-Floppy_disk_2009_G1.jpg]](
I certainly remember using those during primary school. I will have some kicking about somewhere, providing they haven't been binned, because they used to be given as prizes in IT competitions we had in Year 6.
Can't ever really remember them being about from Year 7 onwards.
(24 Jan 2015, 8:07 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm in Lower Sixth now and still haven't had Sex Education. I'm 18 at the end of the year.
The teacher who used to teach it during PSHE lessons retired, and from what I understand (having complained to the Senior Leadership Team at my school), none of the other teachers at my school felt comfortable teaching it to younger students.
I will never forget, in Year 10, a girl approaching my Biology teacher and saying, "Miss, you know crabs... Do you get them by having sex on a beach?" She was deadly serious.
There are now a number of people in my year group who have had sex, but I guess they had to do their own research prior to the event!
Well, judging from your experience of sex-education at school, I suppose that adds a little bit of real-life credibility to that age-old joke: 'What does a Sunderland lass use for protection? - a bus shelter'.
(24 Jan 2015, 8:07 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm in Lower Sixth now and still haven't had Sex Education. I'm 18 at the end of the year.
The teacher who used to teach it during PSHE lessons retired, and from what I understand (having complained to the Senior Leadership Team at my school), none of the other teachers at my school felt comfortable teaching it to younger students.
I will never forget, in Year 10, a girl approaching my Biology teacher and saying, "Miss, you know crabs... Do you get them by having sex on a beach?" She was deadly serious.
There are now a number of people in my year group who have had sex, but I guess they had to do their own research prior to the event!
...the 'private sessions' in Prague...?

(24 Jan 2015, 9:40 am)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]...the 'private sessions' in Prague...? 
Oh dear, hahaha! No, not then.
It was quite an experience being out after 21:00 in Prague, though, it must be said.
The only education I had relating to above topic is how plants have sex??? Yes, my mam requested to the school that I need education relating to above topics, but I don't think she meant plant sex. Also had the 7 life processes as well, forgot them.
(24 Jan 2015, 8:07 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I'm in Lower Sixth now and still haven't had Sex Education. I'm 18 at the end of the year.
The teacher who used to teach it during PSHE lessons retired, and from what I understand (having complained to the Senior Leadership Team at my school), none of the other teachers at my school felt comfortable teaching it to younger students.
I will never forget, in Year 10, a girl approaching my Biology teacher and saying, "Miss, you know crabs... Do you get them by having sex on a beach?" She was deadly serious.
There are now a number of people in my year group who have had sex, but I guess they had to do their own research prior to the event!
It does seem like most teachers at most schools don't want to teach it, sometimes you just get the educational video "okay we're going to watch a video about sex ed now, I hope it answers all your questions"
Funny thing I heard once was someone had to watch a video of a baby being born but the teacher put the video in the machine and it started to play then pressed rewind so it looked like the baby was going back into the lady.
It's pretty bad that your 17 and have had no education on it from school, I didn't have much education about actually related to sex when I was in school thankfully for me Skins and Shameless were two big show on TV when I was 14, not really ideal about learning about sex, everything else I've learnt was from Channel 4 documentaries.
In a PSHE lesson last year, the teacher did chuck some leaflets at us about STDs, but that was it. She told us to read them at home as it would be awkward for her to teach, and it would be inappropriate for younger year groups to get a hold of the leaflets... I wouldn't really class that as sex education though.
When i was in like year 5 or 6 we would of done plants.. every time the teacher mentioned sex the whole class would snigger.
Did anyone else used to look for dirty words in the dictionary in year 5/6, btw this was in like 2002 XD
(24 Jan 2015, 11:16 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]When i was in like year 5 or 6 we would of done plants.. every time the teacher mentioned sex the whole class would snigger.
Did anyone else used to look for dirty words in the dictionary in year 5/6, btw this was in like 2002 XD
This is still entertainment in A Level English! Accidentally coming across a 'naughty word'... [emoji14]
(24 Jan 2015, 11:16 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]In a PSHE lesson last year, the teacher did chuck some leaflets at us about STDs, but that was it. She told us to read them at home as it would be awkward for her to teach, and it would be inappropriate for younger year groups to get a hold of the leaflets... I wouldn't really class that as sex education though.
Oh god, i got them to, did it have like Gonorrhea and a picture of it?.. i felt sickened for rest of the day.
(24 Jan 2015, 11:16 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]When i was in like year 5 or 6 we would of done plants.. every time the teacher mentioned sex the whole class would snigger.
Did anyone else used to look for dirty words in the dictionary in year 5/6, btw this was in like 2002 XD
Yes, every lesson would end up like "look I found you in the dictionary - gay"
(24 Jan 2015, 11:17 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Oh god, i got them to, did it have like Gonorrhea and a picture of it?.. i felt sickened for rest of the day.
Aye, that's the one! It didn't ever get opened again after seeing some of those photos.
(24 Jan 2015, 11:16 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]In a PSHE lesson last year, the teacher did chuck some leaflets at us about STDs, but that was it. She told us to read them at home as it would be awkward for her to teach, and it would be inappropriate for younger year groups to get a hold of the leaflets... I wouldn't really class that as sex education though.
No. Might as well have brought in the Skins boxset and left them to learn from that.
Yep they always give you leaflets and then ask you to read them at home and chat to your parents.
I agreed to have above education done through the NHS, as the school was a useless piece of Mackem shit. (Apologies, if I offend anyone from Sunderland.)
Oh this has brought back many memories from school, more Primary than out else, wish i was back at school!
I remember when i was in year 1 me and my mate, (who sadly moved away 2 years later and never seen him again, we didn't have MSN or Facebook then!), took some ones coat to the toilets and pissed on it....
In year i was doing the office phones with a mate, so we decided to type "shit" on her computer hahaha
Year 3 to year 6 was the best iv'e ever had, all the teachers i had were great and in year 6 we had the best teacher in the school, she was the teacher everyone wanted and i was on school council (i was a swat).... the head teacher was the best, funny shes still their now, think shes being the head for nearly 25 years...
There was one male teacher when he first started all the school were scared of him so every time a class got him for the new year... the whole school would go..... oooooooooooooooooooooo
We can't forget about the teachers who were really good looking!
Michael - is year 1 still the same now? So you were 5 or 6 when you decided to piss on someone's coat?
(24 Jan 2015, 11:38 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]Michael - is year 1 still the same now? So you were 5 or 6 when you decided to piss on someone's coat?
Ye, although i hope no one else has ever done that since! haha
This was around 1996/1997... (was born in 1991)... feels like ages and ages ago.
I found my old school reports the other day.....
(24 Jan 2015, 11:16 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]When i was in like year 5 or 6 we would of done plants.. every time the teacher mentioned sex the whole class would snigger.
Did anyone else used to look for dirty words in the dictionary in year 5/6, btw this was in like 2002 XD
Yes...I still do...
Another favourite of mine was 58008 and 55378008 into a calculator and turning it upside down

Eeeeeeehhh Michael, you have gone down in my estimation, I thought were an angelic little thing
Some of the naughtiest things I ever done at school
At Chorister School I once took The Sun in, and at the top of my voice said 'I would not mind a piece of that' on Page 3, my teacher chose that moment to walk in, I was only 10/11
For a laugh when I was 11/12 I phoned my mates mother and told her what I wanted to do to her, my mate was stood right behind me egging me on...
One day I wanted a bit of attention, so I decided to write about 50 fake suicide notes and left them around for people to find...I got the attention alright, it was not so good having to stand up in front of the whole school [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
I also learnt a lesson in trust, when Tony Blair was going through the process of becoming labour party leader in 1994, as Blair was educated at Choristers, naturally photographers were sniffing round now and again, this photographer called me and a couple of lads over and if we wanted our photo taken for the newspaper, naturally we all agreed and were photo'd running up the school drive, the headmaster went absolutely nuts with the photographer, the paper and us...
The photographer got it in the neck asking if it was ok to wander up to a school and take photos without permission, his boss got it in the neck as he should have had the decency to phone the school and ask about it, we got it in the neck for being too trusting, he told us he was from a paper and we believed him and I said to the head 'dont you think your making a mountain out of a molehill' which got him even madder when he said '
Of course thinking about it now, I completely understand his concerns now, if that had happened today, there would have been merry hell asking random kids to have there photo taken

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