Leven Valley
Leven Valley
(15 Apr 2013, 4:40 pm)tyresmoke wrote New Dart Y10DPC entered service today in all over silver on the 18/19/45/492 circuit, it is fitted with a Mobitec LED and is expected to gain a non-cherished plate soon, I understand its a 51 reg.
And it's out on 505/506 at present. I understand it is due to regain its original SN51 reg.
(18 Apr 2013, 6:12 pm)Kuyoyo wrote(15 Apr 2013, 4:40 pm)tyresmoke wrote New Dart Y10DPC entered service today in all over silver on the 18/19/45/492 circuit, it is fitted with a Mobitec LED and is expected to gain a non-cherished plate soon, I understand its a 51 reg.
And it's out on 505/506 at present. I understand it is due to regain its original SN51 reg.
SN51UCR is its original registration. I understand it will be painted into the same livery style as SN05HDF, and not as per the ex K&H Doyle MPD's.
(02 May 2013, 7:47 pm)mattdw92 wrote No offence Adam, but why the need to post this? Plenty of us venture around the reason its part of being an enthusiast. Hardly relevant news to Leven Valley nevermind the forum for that matter. If people want to view your photos they will add you on Flickr or bookmark your page.
I fully understand that Matt, and I agree it isn't newsworthy at all, but there is no harm in sharing a few photos for people to have a look at, some forum users may not have flickr or are aware of my photos. Plus it makes it easier for them to view by posting the link to then make other users aware of those photos.
(13 Aug 2013, 3:18 pm)Daniel wrote Leven Valley have painted ADL Enviro 200 T13GAJ & T16GAJ into all white in preparation for sale.
These two have now been sold to Santander...
Optare Solo MX57CCE is on loan from Dales & District to cover a temporary shortage whilst replacement vehicles are sourced...
Seen on service 507 this morning in Stockton
![[Image: 1176195_10201885577286829_440201666_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1176195_10201885577286829_440201666_n.jpg)
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Service Manager, Coatham Connect
Having arrived from Scotland two days previously former Lothian Buses 191 is seen here at the Parkway Centre on the 18.
Y191CFS is joined by two more similar vehicles, one of which should be in service soon, the other will be arriving from Scotland when repairs have taken place.
Photo and Info by Flickr user JSBP
(29 Aug 2013, 9:36 pm)tyresmoke wrote Former Lothian Darts Y178/191CFS have now arrived at Leven Valley, 191 entered service yesterday while 178 just arrived this afternoon. Y177CFS was also due to come but had to be left.
![[Image: 734064_553250621396882_1236390863_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/734064_553250621396882_1236390863_n.jpg)
"Leven Valley SPD Y178CFS now complete with front fleetnames (on a yellow vinyl background) as well as rear ones, in Middlesbrough Bus Station this afternoon between trips on the 19 and 45."
Photo and Information credit to Tony Kuy.
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Service Manager, Coatham Connect
(19 Nov 2013, 9:51 am)Richard Smiles wrote With effect from Midnight on Saturday 30 November 2013, Leven Valley will be no more & will instead be known as Leven Valley Limited from Sunday 1 December 2013 @ 00.01.00 hours.
In addition, it base of operations will be moved from South Bank (Dennis Dixons), to the Compass Royston Depot on Bowesfield Lane in Stockton, to become part of the Procter’s Business Consortium.
Leven Valley Limited will effectively be the Service Bus element of the company, whilst Compass Royston will focus soley on Coaching & Private Hire Work.
It should be noted, that NO money has changed hands, so the company has not actually been sold outright. It is effectively now a partnership (amalgamation) between Leven Valley & Procter’s.
Something like this was going to happen sooner or later, given that Paul Thompson is now 70! Years of age, though Paul will still be involved as Traffic Manager of the Leven Valley side of things (TBC).
As far as I know at the moment, Leven Valley Limited will retain it’s current (Red & Yellow) Livery, I am not sure if the Fleet Name will be redesigned to reflect the change in its Status.
My brother works for Leven Valley as a driver & he was called to a meeting on Sunday with other drivers to be told this News.
That's interesting news and was only a matter of time like you say.
It's nice to see Procters keeping the name for their service side in Teesside... Though they too are staring at the same outcome in April which will presumably leave a 2 bus operation alongside Leven's operation so shouldn't be too hard to bolt the two together.
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Service Manager, Coatham Connect
Edit: Photo of said loan
(24 Nov 2013, 12:25 pm)Richard Smiles wrote As some of you will/may be aware Leven Valley is to be amalgamated with Compass Royston etc. to become part of the Procter’s Consortium of Fleets, with effect from a week today Sunday 1 December 2013.
There has been a site meeting for Leven Valley Staff at the Compass Royston premises this morning & I am now able to give you the following information:-
1. Paul Thompson, (Owner & Manager of Leven Valley) has been confirmed as being on the board of directors & will look after the service bus side of the operation.
2. From what I understand, for the time being, although ALL of the service bus work will ALL be under the Leven Valley Limited brand, the Compass Royston Boroughbus services & Route 66 will be kept separate for the time being, by this I mean Compass Drivers won’t be doing Leven services & vice-versa, but this will probably no doubt change in the coming months, once things have settled down & into the New routine.
3. Very SADLY!!! & I mean very SADLY!!, the Leven Valley (Red & Yellow) Livery is afterall to be discontinued with ALL vehicles being painted in Overall White Livery. So if there are any photos of vehicles in Leven Valley Livery, that you don’t have, you need to move quickly as a repainting programme is planned in the coming weeks to get the vehicles into a “Standard” (White) livery, as quickly is possible.
4. As I also understand it from this morning, A NEW Fleet name is to be introduced based on the Corporate Design as is used by Dales & District, Compass Royston & Procters, though it is expected to be in Red & Yellow colour scheme, rather than Blue & Yellow as used by the fore mentioned.
This is as much information, that I am able to provide at the moment, but I do hope that it is helpful to you all.
Kindest & Sincerest Regards,
I did previously have a few photos of the Leven Valley livery, but I can't find them

(24 Nov 2013, 12:56 pm)Richard Smiles wrote If there are any you would like in particular Tom, drop me an email & I will email them to you, you can contact me direct at richiesmile.1965sbank@btinternet.com and I will see what I can dig out for you. Other members on this forum will certainly be able to help you with photos I am sure. Kind Regards Richard
Thanks, I'll let you know!
When will the be re-painted?
(24 Nov 2013, 12:25 pm)Richard Smiles wrote As some of you will/may be aware Leven Valley is to be amalgamated with Compass Royston etc. to become part of the Procter’s Consortium of Fleets, with effect from a week today Sunday 1 December 2013.
There has been a site meeting for Leven Valley Staff at the Compass Royston premises this morning & I am now able to give you the following information:-
1. Paul Thompson, (Owner & Manager of Leven Valley) has been confirmed as being on the board of directors & will look after the service bus side of the operation.
2. From what I understand, for the time being, although ALL of the service bus work will ALL be under the Leven Valley Limited brand, the Compass Royston Boroughbus services & Route 66 will be kept separate for the time being, by this I mean Compass Drivers won’t be doing Leven services & vice-versa, but this will probably no doubt change in the coming months, once things have settled down & into the New routine.
3. Very SADLY!!! & I mean very SADLY!!, the Leven Valley (Red & Yellow) Livery is afterall to be discontinued with ALL vehicles being painted in Overall White Livery. So if there are any photos of vehicles in Leven Valley Livery, that you don’t have, you need to move quickly as a repainting programme is planned in the coming weeks to get the vehicles into a “Standard” (White) livery, as quickly is possible.
4. As I also understand it from this morning, A NEW Fleet name is to be introduced based on the Corporate Design as is used by Dales & District, Compass Royston & Procters, though it is expected to be in Red & Yellow colour scheme, rather than Blue & Yellow as used by the fore mentioned.
This is as much information, that I am able to provide at the moment, but I do hope that it is helpful to you all.
Kindest & Sincerest Regards,
Even though it is a shame to see another indepedent go, hopefully the deal will safeguard jobs and routes for years to come.
Fingers crossed, the combined company can push on and develop a stronger operation - who knows, even putting one or two noses out amongst the big boys along the way
EDIT: New licence been applied for as follows:
Operator summary for licence PB1125708
Contact Details
Trading Names
Contact Address TUTIN ROAD,
DL7 9UJ,
Company Directors
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Service Manager, Coatham Connect
(04 Dec 2013, 4:18 pm)Richard Smiles wrote Interesting & a bit puzzling. In the most recent/current edition of N&P North East, Paul has increased his vehicle licences to 15 Vehicles, presumably to take into account cover vehicles he has been using or possibly in preparation for taking over the 555/556, 588/589 & R66 ?
It would make sense to me for Compass to put all of the service work onto one licence (Leven) and operate them under one name. This gives them spare space on their own licence(s) to expand the coach side of the business...
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Service Manager, Coatham Connect
Dart SN51UCR is currently away for repaint I'm told... The first to be repainted into the Procters style livery.
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(17 Dec 2013, 8:11 pm)tyresmoke wrote Dart SN51UCR is currently away for repaint I'm told... The first to be repainted into the Procters style livery.
Now reported to be back, with the following description:
'Leven valley SN51 UCR now repainted white with new fleetnames which are in procters style but yellow shooting star with red leven valley serving Teesside lettering'

(19 Dec 2013, 10:05 pm)Dan wrote Anyone got a photo? Far too much effort to head to 'Boro these days...
Can't see me getting it tomorrow as I'm in Stockton all day so unless it appears on the 507 or some Compass work I won't see it.
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