I know my last allocation rethink was recent but this my last one before the Prince Bishops streetlites arrive:
Prince Bishops: Streetlites replace solars. 5217 would go to Stanley to replace 4896. 5211-5216 would go to Riverside to replace 4897-4902. 4989-4992 would go to Percy Main to replace 4912-4917 along with 5204. 4968-4972 would replace 5167-5171 at Riverside. 4945 and 4954 would replace 5152 and 5153 at Percy Main.
TTX and Red Arrows: 13 streetdecks would come for services X9/X10 to allow for an every 15 minute Newcastle-Middlesborough frequency with 7 being based at Peterlee and 6 streetdecks would go to Riverside. This would mean the spare streetdeck could run the extra 265 service that requires a double decker. 6043-6048 and 6084 would replace 6001-6006 and 3943 on the X1. 6007 would be a spare. 3943, 6001 and 6002 would replace 3818, 3819 and 3824 at Riverside. 6003-6006 would go to Stanley to replace 3814, 3822, 3830 and 3831. 3966 would transfer to Stanley from Riverside to replace 3832.
SimpliCity, OK Way and Green Arrow: 14 streetlites would come to Deptford for services 2/2A. 8306-8309, 8319-8324 would replace 4938, 4940, 4941, 4947, 4948, 4967, 5218, 5227 and 5228 on services 97 and 97A. 8325-8327 would replace 571 and 572 at Crook. 8325 would be a red spare. 571 and 572 would replace 542 and 549 at Deptford. 4938, 4940 and 4941 would be withdrawn. 4947, 4948, 4967 and 5218 would replace 5154, 5155, 5157 and 5166 at Percy Main. 5227 and 5228 would replace 4903 and 4904 at Deptford.
Wagonway: 11 streetlites would come to Chester-le-Street for services 28/28A to allow for an every 15 minute frequency from Newcastle-Beamish. 4956-4960 would go to Deptford to replace 4905-4909.
See It Do It, Airport Express and Fast Cats: Service 61 added to the brand with new streetlites for services 35/35A/36 and 61. 20 streetlites would come to replace 5298-5309 and 5320-5327. 5322-5327 would come to Riverside for new service 737 to Newcastle Airport from Eldon Square with 5322 being a branded spare. The service would be every 12 minutes. 5298-5308 would stay at Deptford and would be branded for services X35/X36. The extra bus (5298) would mean that the full X36 route could be every 30 minutes. 5320 and 5321 would stay at Deptford to replace 4910 and 4911, 5309 would go to Riverside to replace 4918. 4955, 4973-4975 would replace 4919, 4920, 4922 and 4923. 4975 and 5205 would replace 4924 and 4925 at Deptford. 5206-5209 would also stay at Deptford to replace 8258 and 8267-8269.
Angel, Crusader and WTX: 19 streetdecks with no tables would come for service 21, this would allow an every 12 minute frequency Newcastle-Durham and an every 6 minute frequency Newcastle-Chester-le-Street. 6056-6069 would replace 5310-5319, 5328-5330 and 5332 at Riverside on service 27. 3962 would replace 3864 at Stanley, 3965 and 6070 will stay at Chester-le-Street for replacing 3869 and 3872. 5310-5314 would transfer to Deptford to allow for an every 30 minute frequency on service X7 with 5310 being spare, this would also allow for a multiple depot operation on the X7. 5315 and 5316 would replace 8272 and 8273 at Deptford, 5317 and 5318 would move to Washington for replacing 8270 and 8271. 5319, 5328-5330 and 5332 would move to Chester-le-Street to replace 4926-4930.
South Tyne and LOOP: 9 optare metrocities would come for services 88/88A. 8294-8301 would replace 5219-5226 on the LOOP with 8294 being a spare. 5219 would move to Chester-le-Street to replace 4931. 5220 and 5221 would stay at Riverside for replacing 4932 and 4933. 5222-5226 would replace 550, 551, 559, 560 and 562.
TEN, Tynedale Express, Red Kite, Venture, TOON LINK 12/12A, X66 and Tynedale Links: 626 will be freed up by the removal of the contract for service 68. 626 would stay at Riverside and be painted green for ASDA Byker services allowing for the withdrawal of 557. 14 streetdecks would come for service 10/10A/10B. 6071-6079 would replace 5229-5233 on services X84/X85. 6080 and 6081 would move to Stanley to allow for the withdrawal of services 45E and V9 due to the 47 being extended to Consett. This would mean 641 would be debranded and used on Tesco services meaning 553 can be withdrawn. 3942 would go to Stanley to replace 3876, 6082 would also move to Chester-le-Street to replace 3875 and 3878, 3870 would be replaced by 3941 at Riverside. 5229 and 5230 would be branded Tynedale Links meaning 556 can be withdrawn and 619 can go to Deptford to replace 564. This would mean services 680, 688 and 74 could all be run by Solars. 5231 and 5232 would also move to Deptford to replace 565 and 573. 5391-5394 and 5233 would be branded TOON LINK for service 12/12A allowing 5234-5238 to be branded for service X66.
Washington Street Shuttle and service 81 (17A): The old brand would be revived with 6 solos coming for services 85/86. 570 would be withdrawn and 603-606 would go to Percy Main to allow for service 17A to be numbered 81 and to be running through the day and would extend from Rosehill to Cobalt with a P.V.R of 4 formed by 603-606.
NORTHERN 6/X70/X71: 11 streetdecks would go to Stanley for NORTHERN services. 6122-6126 would move to Percy Main for DFDS service 327 allowing 3866 and 3867 to be withdrawn, 3888, 3890 and 3891 to replace 6008, 6010 and 6015 at Percy Main. 6127-6132 would go to Washington to replace their presidents
RE: Go North East: Service Suggestions