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North East Bus & Coach Show 2023

North East Bus & Coach Show 2023

North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Although a date has not been confirmed by the North East Bus Preservation Trust. The 500 Teesside group have posted it as the 7th of May. I will update this once the nebpt post there rally dates
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Any chance of some advance info on what might be attending, what might be available to ride on and what will just be parked up? A timetable for the heritage bus rides with some loose vehicle allocations in advance would be great. ??
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(29 Apr 2023, 2:05 pm)Boggle wrote Any chance of some advance info on what might be attending, what might be available to ride on and what will just be parked up? A timetable for the heritage bus rides with some loose vehicle allocations in advance would be great. ??
Nothing posted on website. No timetable or Nothing. It's just what happens on the day. Usual if there. SCN 268S is always on shuttle service. So is if there is H669 BNL
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(30 Apr 2023, 9:02 am)Busu284 wrote Nothing posted on website. No timetable or Nothing. It's just what happens on the day. Usual if there. SCN 268S is always on shuttle service. So is if there is H669 BNL

Normally they run a shuttle from Gateshead Interchange. But they do not have a timetable or a set stop. They also run to and from Newcastle. Again no timetable or set stopping/picking up place. Be prepared for legions of fed up enthusiasts, at least one argument and Metro Centre shop workers driving their cars through the middle of the rally site. I'll have the car and will probably stay no more than an hour. Oh and programs... best not to mention the lack of them.

RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
So something funny has just clicked in my mind. Metrocentre is on Sunday. Newcastle are at home & kick of at 4.30pm. Gne X50 is gonna be in the Metrocentre Coach Park the same time the rally is on
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
A free modern & classic bus service will run from Metrocentre to Beamish via Tanfield railway departure from Metrocentre at 10am & every hour till 1500 then departing 10.30 until 15.30
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like the standard formula then. It’s a shame because a bit of advance information on what is expected to run and roughly when would allow people to plan accordingly rather than having to turn up, hang around and hope that something you want to ride on has a run out.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(05 May 2023, 10:07 pm)Lollist wrote Will some buses be open to go in the cab?
That would be up to the owners. Not everyone is particularly careful or respectful so I wouldn't blame any who didn't.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
As with previous years, 30 mins was enough for a visit to the rally today. Nice to see 5232 in OK livery, but that apart, there’s only so many photos you can take of the same buses parked in the same car park. Not enough vehicles moving about or available to ride on, combined with no information whatsoever about what was going to be going out and when meant that it wasn’t worth hanging about for much longer.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Took a trip to Tanfield Railway at about 11 from the rally site and spent over an hour looking round. Railway is very nice. Decided to get bus back to rally. Advertised service did not serve the railway so was stuck for nearly two hours waiting to get back to the rally. Got back at half three just as things were packing up.

Once again absolutely diabolical organisation with no oversite by NEBPT volunteers and no signage. I noted a guy with two very young children waiting over two hours at Tanfield for a bus back. Completely unacceptable. Three young lads waited well over an hour at Tanfield before getting on the scheduled service bus to Newcastle.

Interesting vehicles and good stalls at the rally but yet again they seem unable to run a piss up in a brewery.

North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Very poorly organised I found, majority of the shuttles to Tanfield seemed to not operate and then other buses driving about for the sake of it with no forward planning.

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RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
Briefly walked through on my way into Metrocentre after parking over that way. Not enough there to interest me in terms of vehicles with the same old faces gathering in the same old cliques as I passed. Was tempted by a trip up to Tanfield and Beamish but, after reading about the experience of Charles41, I'm glad I didn't bother. On my way back to the car, I witnessed a parade of GNE vehicles led by a short, stout female inspector with shoulder length blonde hair, ploughing through the rally site at speed, briefly stopping to aggressively remove some tape from the coned off section of the rally site. This was presumably the start of the Soccerbus operation for the day.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
So my thoughts on the rally

I helped out on two of the shuttle. It seemed that the South Shields Daimler, JH59 COM & ENX from the JH fleet only did runs. Gne pi##ed about sending there buses back and forwards which weren't even washed. The stagecoach decker didn't even do the proper shuttle and decided to do scottswood road. 

I was on the West Yorkshire bus helping him get to Beamish & back. Not because the nebpt are unorganised. I was helping out with them. The driver did not know his way and I helped. We went to Tanfield & Beamish but got stopped at Beamish as the driver didn't want to head back to Tanfield due to him not wanting to kill it on the hills again. The stagecoach bus was meant to be heading to Beamish but never did cause he "didn't want to" the dceker was full because of that driver. Gne sat and screwed about during the rally. Not 1 single shuttle they did at all. They faffed about running them back and forwards on stupid journeys when they could have helped doing shuttle. The buses weren't even clean which was just pathetic. Then just to make it worse the X50 woman completely went and ruined it by shouting at everyone cause she wanted her own way. 

If gne had have helped out on a shuttle service then it would have been fine. But no they sat and faffed about doing absolutely nothing. Constant trips back and forwards. Fgs at one point 5808 was at the rally. Disappeared then they came back with 5801 instead. Whatever the hell gne were thinking yesterday was pathetic. No wonder the nebpt dropped them as support. Jh Coaches were sat doing most of the shuttle work since gne didn't. Like for a company like gne who claim there the best out there. Yesterday was pathetic. 3 buses (a merc with a few stickers about King Charles & a Voltra (which changed twice) a mucky looking Scania and a random OmniDekka) non of which were clean. The rally yesterday would have been better. If gne had have helped out on shuttle. The nebpt aren't organised. They ask who wants to do a shuttle and help park up the buses. Gne didn't even do one shuttle. The shuttle was fine but with Damiler & West Yorkshire & 2 jh buses doing it. Yes the West Yorkshire didn't come back to Tanfield cause he didn't want to which I can understand. But to berate the nebpt for bad organised. It was a good event and the nebpt do a fantastic job at the rallys and think good we actually have a rally season here. But no people sit and berate them for nothing it's pathetic
Site Administrator
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 9:56 am)Busu284 wrote So my thoughts on the rally

I helped out on two of the shuttle. It seemed that the South Shields Daimler, JH59 COM & ENX from the JH fleet only did runs. Gne pi##ed about sending there buses back and forwards which weren't even washed. The stagecoach decker didn't even do the proper shuttle and decided to do scottswood road. 

I was on the West Yorkshire bus helping him get to Beamish & back. Not because the nebpt are unorganised. I was helping out with them. The driver did not know his way and I helped. We went to Tanfield & Beamish but got stopped at Beamish as the driver didn't want to head back to Tanfield due to him not wanting to kill it on the hills again. The stagecoach bus was meant to be heading to Beamish but never did cause he "didn't want to" the dceker was full because of that driver. Gne sat and screwed about during the rally. Not 1 single shuttle they did at all. They faffed about running them back and forwards on stupid journeys when they could have helped doing shuttle. The buses weren't even clean which was just pathetic. Then just to make it worse the X50 woman completely went and ruined it by shouting at everyone cause she wanted her own way. 

If gne had have helped out on a shuttle service then it would have been fine. But no they sat and faffed about doing absolutely nothing. Constant trips back and forwards. Fgs at one point 5808 was at the rally. Disappeared then they came back with 5801 instead. Whatever the hell gne were thinking yesterday was pathetic. No wonder the nebpt dropped them as support. Jh Coaches were sat doing most of the shuttle work since gne didn't. Like for a company like gne who claim there the best out there. Yesterday was pathetic. 3 buses (a merc with a few stickers about King Charles & a Voltra (which changed twice) a mucky looking Scania and a random OmniDekka) non of which were clean. The rally yesterday would have been better. If gne had have helped out on shuttle. The nebpt aren't organised. They ask who wants to do a shuttle and help park up the buses. Gne didn't even do one shuttle. The shuttle was fine but with Damiler & West Yorkshire & 2 jh buses doing it. Yes the West Yorkshire didn't come back to Tanfield cause he didn't want to which I can understand. But to berate the nebpt for bad organised. It was a good event and the nebpt do a fantastic job at the rallys and think good we actually have a rally season here. But no people sit and berate them for nothing it's pathetic

Sounds like someone is a fan of Go North East...

NEBPT didn't drop Go North East as support for this rally - Go North East have dropped NEBPT from the organisations which they sponsor (and as such, NEBPT have removed them from publicity).

The four buses in attendance were a Voltra Yutong E12 (to promote the new electric buses), a Connections4 Mercedes Citaro (decorated for the King's Coronation), a Driver Training Scania L94 (which are being phased out, the last two to be withdrawn imminently) and a fleet livery Scania OmniDekka (also being phased out, most of this type to be withdrawn over the next few weeks). The two Scanias were there for enthusiast appeal, more than anything else.

The same comments are made every year with regards to this (and many other) NEBPT rally. The fact GNE didn't support the event with shuttle buses this year isn't the thing which resulted in the perception that the event was poor.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(07 May 2023, 3:30 pm)Charles41 wrote Took a trip to Tanfield Railway at about 11 from the rally site and spent over an hour looking round. Railway is very nice. Decided to get bus back to rally. Advertised service did not serve the railway so was stuck for nearly two hours waiting to get back to the rally. Got back at half three just as things were packing up.

Once again absolutely diabolical organisation with no oversite by NEBPT volunteers and no signage. I noted a guy with two very young children waiting over two hours at Tanfield for a bus back. Completely unacceptable. Three young lads waited well over an hour at Tanfield before getting on the scheduled service bus to Newcastle.

Interesting vehicles and good stalls at the rally but yet again they seem unable to run a piss up in a brewery.


This is a real issue, and in fact, potentially a safeguarding issue. If you're shuttling people between one place and two others, then for me it's crucial that not only a timetable is in place, but that the last advertised trips are well publicised. 

Having been to many rallies outside of the North East, it's always baffled me why it's so difficult to put a published timetable together. I was over Whitehaven last week and their shuttle service was ran like a military operation. 

(08 May 2023, 9:56 am)Busu284 wrote So my thoughts on the rally

I helped out on two of the shuttle. It seemed that the South Shields Daimler, JH59 COM & ENX from the JH fleet only did runs. Gne pi##ed about sending there buses back and forwards which weren't even washed. The stagecoach decker didn't even do the proper shuttle and decided to do scottswood road. 

I was on the West Yorkshire bus helping him get to Beamish & back. Not because the nebpt are unorganised. I was helping out with them. The driver did not know his way and I helped. We went to Tanfield & Beamish but got stopped at Beamish as the driver didn't want to head back to Tanfield due to him not wanting to kill it on the hills again. The stagecoach bus was meant to be heading to Beamish but never did cause he "didn't want to" the dceker was full because of that driver. Gne sat and screwed about during the rally. Not 1 single shuttle they did at all. They faffed about running them back and forwards on stupid journeys when they could have helped doing shuttle. The buses weren't even clean which was just pathetic. Then just to make it worse the X50 woman completely went and ruined it by shouting at everyone cause she wanted her own way. 

If gne had have helped out on a shuttle service then it would have been fine. But no they sat and faffed about doing absolutely nothing. Constant trips back and forwards. Fgs at one point 5808 was at the rally. Disappeared then they came back with 5801 instead. Whatever the hell gne were thinking yesterday was pathetic. No wonder the nebpt dropped them as support. Jh Coaches were sat doing most of the shuttle work since gne didn't. Like for a company like gne who claim there the best out there. Yesterday was pathetic. 3 buses (a merc with a few stickers about King Charles & a Voltra (which changed twice) a mucky looking Scania and a random OmniDekka) non of which were clean. The rally yesterday would have been better. If gne had have helped out on shuttle. The nebpt aren't organised. They ask who wants to do a shuttle and help park up the buses. Gne didn't even do one shuttle. The shuttle was fine but with Damiler & West Yorkshire & 2 jh buses doing it. Yes the West Yorkshire didn't come back to Tanfield cause he didn't want to which I can understand. But to berate the nebpt for bad organised. It was a good event and the nebpt do a fantastic job at the rallys and think good we actually have a rally season here. But no people sit and berate them for nothing it's pathetic

If you were helping him, did you not point out the hills were there? I'm sure they've been there for centuries and not just installed last week to kill preserved buses off.

From what I could see from the drone footage on Youtube, there were 20 preserved buses there. Half of them running on the shuttle service would have been almost a half-hourly service between the three points, if it was organised. Why don't you question that, when asking yourself why JH ended up running most of the shuttle services?

As for GNE/Arriva/Stagecoach. I'm not sure what the attraction is in them doing shuttle work, when you can ride on their buses any other day of the week to your heart's content. Surely the point of going to an event is to do something that you can't do every other day.
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RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 10:47 am)Dan wrote Sounds like someone is a fan of Go North East...

NEBPT didn't drop Go North East as support for this rally - Go North East have dropped NEBPT from the organisations which they sponsor (and as such, NEBPT have removed them from publicity).

The four buses in attendance were a Voltra Yutong E12 (to promote the new electric buses), a Connections4 Mercedes Citaro (decorated for the King's Coronation), a Driver Training Scania L94 (which are being phased out, the last two to be withdrawn imminently) and a fleet livery Scania OmniDekka (also being phased out, most of this type to be withdrawn over the next few weeks). The two Scanias were there for enthusiast appeal, more than anything else.

The same comments are made every year with regards to this (and many other) NEBPT rally. The fact GNE didn't support the event with shuttle buses this year isn't the thing which resulted in the perception that the event was poor.

The funny thing with that is, for years many bemoaned that the event essentially became the "GNE Show" and yet now they bring a limited turnout, people still ain't pleased... not to mention that GNE, like the preservationists aren't obligated to provide the shuttles for the event (this is a whole other problem as by the sounds of things, it's whoever wants to do it on the day and hope someone actually wants to do so).

As harsh as it is to say, the fact there seemed to be so many issues with even just providing an hourly shuttle shows a lack of well thought out planning, I've been to various events across the country (often with more of an emphasis on running) and many seem to manage fine with providing a much more regular service often to various locations, even on day of the event they often still manage without incidents for the most part even when buses have had to pull out last minute or a breakdown occurs over the course of the day, at one event in Cornwall recently, I got off a bus in the middle of nowhere with no rally alternatives and felt fairly confident that a bus would stop to take me back into Penzance, I could not say the say for the stop at Tanfield and sure enough that's apparently what happened (I didn't attend yesterday).
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 11:18 am)Adrian wrote This is a real issue, and in fact, potentially a safeguarding issue. If you're shuttling people between one place and two others, then for me it's crucial that not only a timetable is in place, but that the last advertised trips are well publicised. 

Having been to many rallies outside of the North East, it's always baffled me why it's so difficult to put a published timetable together. I was over Whitehaven last week and their shuttle service was ran like a military operation. 

If you were helping him, did you not point out the hills were there? I'm sure they've been there for centuries and not just installed last week to kill preserved buses off.

From what I could see from the drone footage on Youtube, there were 20 preserved buses there. Half of them running on the shuttle service would have been almost a half-hourly service between the three points, if it was organised. Why don't you question that, when asking yourself why JH ended up running most of the shuttle services?

As for GNE/Arriva/Stagecoach. I'm not sure what the attraction is in them doing shuttle work, when you can ride on their buses any other day of the week to your heart's content. Surely the point of going to an event is to do something that you can't do every other day.
Right number 1. He decided it no me. So don't go say that I "should have pointed it out". No don't go do that cause tbh it was his idea. I ain't gonna argue or disagree 

2 maybe jh ran more shuttle cause they have "low floor buses to make it easier for more passengers " but no as per we put the blame game on the organiser event. No wonder Metrocentre probably won't happen next year. Neither will any event. Never seen so much hate directed towards a small organisation who runs rallys for the people to see. Only for the higer ups to go complain. Organiser a rally yourself. Its probably harder than any of us thought. Idk how hard it is but you all seem to complain left right and centre. I'm guessing we are all gonna complete forget that a woman in a high vi's yesterday working the X50 completely ruined it for everyone (or are we gonna defend her for shouting at a gne driver)
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 11:36 am)Busu284 wrote Right number 1. He decided it no me. So don't go say that I "should have pointed it out". No don't go do that cause tbh it was his idea. I ain't gonna argue or disagree 

2 maybe jh ran more shuttle cause they have "low floor buses to make it easier for more passengers " but no as per we put the blame game on the organiser event. No wonder Metrocentre probably won't happen next year. Neither will any event. Never seen so much hate directed towards a small organisation who runs rallys for the people to see. Only for the higer ups to go complain. Organiser a rally yourself. Its probably harder than any of us thought. Idk how hard it is but you all seem to complain left right and centre. I'm guessing we are all gonna complete forget that a woman in a high vi's yesterday working the X50 completely ruined it for everyone (or are we gonna defend her for shouting at a gne driver)

Does that stop you giving advance warning of the terrain? Sounds like you did an awful job of helping out, if you almost wrecked his bus.

I'm all for accessible buses on shuttle services; don't we now have preserved low floor buses? Did they do any runs to Beamish and back, or is it solely down to commercial operators? 

I do find it ironic that you're complaining, and then complaining about others complaining? Do you have a monopoly on complaining on bus forums?
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RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 11:42 am)Adrian wrote Does that stop you giving advance warning of the terrain? Sounds like you did an awful job of helping out, if you almost wrecked his bus.

I'm all for accessible buses on shuttle services; don't we now have preserved low floor buses? Did they do any runs to Beamish and back, or is it solely down to commercial operators? 

I do find it ironic that you're complaining, and then complaining about others complaining? Do you have a monopoly on complaining on bus forums?
Oh so it's apparently my fault. How the hell can u actually say that. Rather than maybe asking the route to Tanfield and beamish is all hills. No clear u think its my fault. What other route is there to Tanfield. He saw the hills himself. At least the driver said thank u for me direction him. He said he didn't want to hurt the bus. I did apologise for the hill. He said to me that I had nothing to say sorry for at all cause he looked at the map at Beamish and saw it was all hills. But no your putting the blame on me. Pathetic honesty. And oh no I hate other companies. No I don't. I have my opinion. Oh wait I forgot its 2023. U can't have an opion without someone complaining  tuest me there's worst people out there who would complain. 

From what i saw. 4 buses did runs thst being 

Jh59 com & enx from Jh Coaches 

The South Shields Daimler & the west Yorkshire bus (which apparently in your words was my fault)

Amd lastly everyone complained on this fourm. I'm not the only 1. I just don't like the way gne operates but they have a chance to go pick on the other companies when they do bad soooooooo

Can't believe how bad this is getting cause I had an opinion on the rally yesterday. Jesus calm it down. I'll not say another word cause clearly I'm upsetting people hahahaha
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 11:36 am)Busu284 wrote Right number 1. He decided it no me. So don't go say that I "should have pointed it out". No don't go do that cause tbh it was his idea. I ain't gonna argue or disagree 

2 maybe jh ran more shuttle cause they have "low floor buses to make it easier for more passengers " but no as per we put the blame game on the organiser event. No wonder Metrocentre probably won't happen next year. Neither will any event. Never seen so much hate directed towards a small organisation who runs rallys for the people to see. Only for the higer ups to go complain. Organiser a rally yourself. Its probably harder than any of us thought. Idk how hard it is but you all seem to complain left right and centre. I'm guessing we are all gonna complete forget that a woman in a high vi's yesterday working the X50 completely ruined it for everyone (or are we gonna defend her for shouting at a gne driver)

The blame lies squarely at the feet of the NEBPT, if the organisation of the event is a complete shambles, which it is usually. Playing the 'if you think you can do better, then organise it yourself' card doesn't wash, I'm afraid. It is their event and they have the authority over what transpires. If preservationists don't want to do runs up to Beamish, then that's fine, the event organiser can instruct them to park where the static displays are parked. If the same preservationists (or operators- not to leave them out of this) only want to do private runs to impress their ghoulish sycophantic acolytes, the organiser can exert their authority to prevent this from happening by explaining that once they leave the site, they cannot return. It is well within the remit of the organiser to do this as they are responsible for health and safety on site for the day.
RE: North East Bus & Coach Show 2023
(08 May 2023, 11:50 am)Aaron21 wrote Oh so it's apparently my fault. How the hell can u actually say that. Rather than maybe asking the route to Tanfield and beamish is all hills. No clear u think its my fault. What other route is there to Tanfield. He saw the hills himself. At least the driver said thank u for me direction him. He said he didn't want to hurt the bus. I did apologise for the hill. He said to me that I had nothing to say sorry for at all cause he looked at the map at Beamish and saw it was all hills. But no your putting the blame on me. Pathetic honesty. And oh no I hate other companies. No I don't. I have my opinion. Oh wait I forgot its 2023. U can't have an opion without someone complaining  tuest me there's worst people out there who would complain. 

From what i saw. 4 buses did runs thst being 

Jh59 com & enx from Jh Coaches 

The South Shields Daimler & the west Yorkshire bus (which apparently in your words was my fault)

Amd lastly everyone complained on this fourm. I'm not the only 1. I just don't like the way gne operates but they have a chance to go pick on the other companies when they do bad soooooooo

Can't believe how bad this is getting cause I had an opinion on the rally yesterday. Jesus calm it down. I'll not say another word cause clearly I'm upsetting people hahahaha

I notice how you avoided my questions, instead opting to play the martyr.

As a reminder - 
  • From what I could see from the drone footage on Youtube, there were 20 preserved buses there. Half of them running on the shuttle service would have been almost a half-hourly service between the three points, if it was organised. Why don't you question that, when asking yourself why JH ended up running most of the shuttle services?
  • I'm all for accessible buses on shuttle services; don't we now have preserved low floor buses? Did they do any runs to Beamish and back, or is it solely down to commercial operators? 

I do think that NEBPT do a good job of putting these events on, but are perhaps badly let down by those attending then not wanting to participate. If I was running the events, personally I'd remove the advertisement of a free shuttle/bus service at all events. That way you're delivering what in practice actually happens, which is a load of static exhibits.
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