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Go North East: Fleet Vehicle History

Go North East: Fleet Vehicle History

RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
The Worm Versas (8302/03/04/05) were new for the Drifter in 2011 I think, then were debranded and rebranded for the 34/34A in Early to Mid November. I think the newer vehicles will be easy to do because they haven't been tossed around very much because they all are branded. To be honest, it's the spares that we need to concentrate on.
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RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:07 pm)Marcus wrote Great. I think we need to all kinda space ourselves out a little and everybody who's gonna help could get a vehicle type or specific depot to look into and eliminate confusion and randomness. Anybody got any similar ideas?

You're all giving me a lot of work to do during any free periods I have next week... Tongue

Going to start on the news in a sec... Finished my Flickr business and I'm having a bite to eat now.
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:15 pm)Marcus wrote The Worm Versas (8302/03/04/05) were new for the Drifter in 2011 I think, then were debranded and rebranded for the 34/34A in Early to Mid November. I think the newer vehicles will be easy to do because they haven't been tossed around very much because they all are branded. To be honest, it's the spares that we need to concentrate on.

New in 2009
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:14 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote 3964

Bought New to Chester le Street in 2006 - 21 24 Hours a Day
Was Branded Angel in 2006/07
Was Repainted for the TTX in 2009, and Transferred to Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Red Northern in August 2012 - Remained at Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Green for Festival of the North East in April/May 2013
Was Repainted Yellow in July 2013 for Real Radio
Was De-Branded and Remained Yellow for Children in Need in October/November 2013
Was Repainted Red in February 2014 for GNE Corporate Livery

Just what I gathered from a quick Flickr Search, I sure it started out on the 724 rather than the 21 though, but I would double check, also Double Check Dates also as they might not be Accurate.

I recall simialar. Corgi made a model of a 724 Gemini 1 and an X20 Solar, and I'm positive the 724 model was either 3964 or 3962. One or two were branded with 724 and the route right across where the advertisements would typically be.

EDIT: The model was actually of 3963 but I have found images that show 3962 and 3965 in the same livery, but none of 3964.
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RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:22 pm)Marcus wrote Oh right, I'm sure some Versas were new in 2011 though, was it the Saltwell Park ones?

The Saltwell Parks (now South Tyne) were 2009 too.

It was the Orbit/SimpliCity batch that were 2011 (hence the number in the reg Tongue)
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:22 pm)Dan wrote The Saltwell Parks (now South Tyne) were 2009 too.

It was the Orbit/SimpliCity batch that were 2011 (hence the number in the reg Tongue)

And not forgetting the Quaylink Batch in 2010
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:22 pm)Dan wrote The Saltwell Parks (now South Tyne) were 2009 too.

It was the Orbit/SimpliCity batch that were 2011 (hence the number in the reg Tongue)

THAT's the one! Tongue I knew they were over at Deptford!
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RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:14 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote 3964

Bought New to Chester le Street in 2006 - 21 24 Hours a Day
Was Branded Angel in 2006/07
Was Repainted for the TTX in 2009, and Transferred to Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Red Northern in August 2012 - Remained at Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Green for Festival of the North East in April/May 2013
Was Repainted Yellow in July 2013 for Real Radio
Was De-Branded and Remained Yellow for Children in Need in October/November 2013
Was Repainted Red in February 2014 for GNE Corporate Livery

Just what I gathered from a quick Flickr Search, I sure it started out on the 724 rather than the 21 though, but I would double check, also Double Check Dates also as they might not be Accurate.

Think it transferred to Sunderland Road and remained Pink with the rest for a good few month at least before been repainted. Its the smallest of details though so I wouldn't worry.
Re: RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 5:14 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote 3964

Bought New to Chester le Street in 2006 - 21 24 Hours a Day
Was Branded Angel in 2006/07
Was Repainted for the TTX in 2009, and Transferred to Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Red Northern in August 2012 - Remained at Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Green for Festival of the North East in April/May 2013
Was Repainted Yellow in July 2013 for Real Radio
Was De-Branded and Remained Yellow for Children in Need in October/November 2013
Was Repainted Red in February 2014 for GNE Corporate Livery

Just what I gathered from a quick Flickr Search, I sure it started out on the 724 rather than the 21 though, but I would double check, also Double Check Dates also as they might not be Accurate.

There's a photo on my Flickr stream from the day it first came out in plain yellow, before the real radio vinyls were applied. Difference being the Go North East body logos were originally black.
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RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 12:56 pm)Dan wrote From what I can gather...


> February 2014 - Following the closure of Gateshead and Winlaton depots, this vehicle has been transferred to Riverside, which replaces depots at Sunderland Road in Gateshead and Winlaton that date back to the days of the tramways.
> BY February 2012 - Vehicle gained a rear advertisement for alcohol abuse (see here)
> September 2011 - Transferred from Gateshead to Winlaton.
> April 2011 - Vehicle gained a promotional livery for Go North East's "The Key" campaign.
> February 2011 - Repainted into a plain red base livery, later gaining "Northern" fleet names.
> December 2009 - Repainted into a plain white base livery.
> September 2009 - Vehicle transferred from Percy Main to Gateshead
> October 2008 - Vehicle transferred from Gateshead to Percy Main
> September 2007 - Vehicle transferred from Stanley to Gateshead
> December 2004 - Vehicle transferred from Winlaton to Gateshead
> BY July 2003 - Vehicle transferred from Gateshead depot to Winlaton depot.
> October 2000 - Vehicle new to Gateshead depot

Only bit which appears to be missing is the stage between new at Gateshead and transferring to Winlaton, and there doesn't seem to be any photographs on Flickr which give it away either.

EDIT: Found a photograph from July 2003 when it was with Winlaton... Think that's about everything for 4923?

It had a spell at deptford doing x3 journeys
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003

2009 entered service at sunderland road as saltwell park
November 2013 transfered to Washington

December 2013-February 2014 repainted lilac for 88/A

march 2014-now branded for 88/A
Against the Anti-Lee Club.
Site Administrator
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(31 Mar 2014, 5:59 pm)danpick wrote 8294-8301

2009 entered service at sunderland road as saltwell park
November 2013 transfered to Washington

December 2013-February 2014 repainted lilac for 88/A

march 2014-now branded for 88/A

Cheers. Just finishing up on a coursework assignment and if I have a spare bit of time, I'll get started on some of these. Smile
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(31 Mar 2014, 6:05 pm)Dan wrote Cheers. Just finishing up on a coursework assignment and if I have a spare bit of time, I'll get started on some of these. Smile

i Will do anymore if you need Smile
Against the Anti-Lee Club.
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(31 Mar 2014, 6:25 pm)Marcus wrote 6016

Purchased in 2011 for The Angel
Debranded October 2012 and sent to Stanley
Returned to Chester late 2013 around November

Same case for 6036 except it was returned to Chester in late November if memory serves, after 6016.
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RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
What I've noticed lately is that the road connecting Cobalt Central and Middle Engine Lane can become very congested at peak time towards Cobalt (AM) and Newcastle (PM). Why don't they make it with the exception of access to the rear of CBX and Newcastle Building Society, a bus only road again ?
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003

late 2002 delievered to deptford
2005?? transferred to percy main for centurian
july 2008 ?? trannsferred to sunderland road(not 8242)
june 2010 8242 transferred to sunderland road
july 2011 transferred to deptford
2012 transferred to satmeadows for 5


2004 delivered to sunderland road
2006?repainted green for highwayman
2012 debranded and repainted red and branded northern
2014 moved to riverside


2004 delivered to sunderland road
2006?repainted green for highwayman
2012 debranded annd repainted white and transferred to saltmeadows
Against the Anti-Lee Club.
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(31 Mar 2014, 7:17 pm)danpick wrote 8242-8246

late 2002 delievered to deptford
2005?? transferred to percy main for centurian
july 2008 ?? trannsferred to sunderland road(not 8242)
june 2010 8242 transferred to sunderland road
july 2011 transferred to deptford
2012 transferred to satmeadows for 5


2004 delivered to sunderland road
2006?repainted green for highwayman
2012 debranded and repainted red and branded northern
2014 moved to riverside


2004 delivered to sunderland road
2006?repainted green for highwayman
2012 debranded annd repainted white and transferred to saltmeadows

8265 and 8266 both arrived to the Go North East fleet in a white livery and remained in that livery for some time before either been repainted for highwayman or into the Generic Livery at the time.
Site Administrator
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(30 Mar 2014, 3:16 pm)Marcus wrote Right here goes with my first one; PS use the website Jeff's Bus Lane as he has fleetlists going back to 2004, thats where I'm getting all my info.


August 2004 - Based at Stanley
Early March 2007 - Vehicle Transferred to Chester
Mid March 2007 - Vehicle Branded for Lime
Mid January 2014 - VOR for about a fortnight after being involved in an accident in Grange Villa that took the life of a motorcyclist
Early February - Vehicle returns to service and hasn't had any problems since,


Thanks for the history provided on this vehicle. I have now updated the vehicle history for Volvo B10BLEs 4850-55 with the description you have provided above. I have also added a photograph for each of the vehicles in their current form.


(30 Mar 2014, 3:26 pm)Robert wrote Toon Link 4982:

February 2005 - Vehicle entered service at Deptford
November 2006 - Vehicle transferred to Sunderland Road
October 2008 - Vehicle transferred to Winlaton
(branded Derwent Ranger at some point)
October 2010 - Taken out of and returned to service due to a refurbishment
(Later branded Toon Link towards the end of 2010)
February 2014 - Vehicle transferred to Gateshead Riverside due to the closure of Winlaton


Thanks. Like the "Lime" Volvo B10BLEs I mentioned above, I have edited the vehicle history for this vehicle and added a photograph of it in its current form likewise.


(30 Mar 2014, 4:42 pm)Marcus wrote At least we don't have to worry about all of the Hybrids. They've all stayed at one depot all their careers unless for maintenance, so if I was you Dan I would get those out of the way. I'm not sure about the other Hybrids but I do know all of the angels history like the back of my hand.

6059 was the vehicle involved in that accident at Low Fell where a cyclist was killed whilst on N21 duties. As far as I know that's the only accident involving an angel.

I also think you won't have to worry about the Diamond Mercs because the only other one they've done was the Citylink I think (I think they were bought new for that, you'll probably know Tongue!)

As for Presidents;
6019 and 6022 have spent all of their time with GNE at Chester I believe as they were purchased new for the 21 in 2011, although I think 6026 has been somewhere else, maybe Winlaton (once again, your the one to ask).

Here is 6008's obituary;
Bought Mid 2011 for The Angel from London General? (I can't remember which company, maybe Go Ahead London, I don't follow any movements outside of the company, I just stick to them while with GNE, I'm afraid I don't stalk them.
Debranded when the Hybrids arrived and sent to Stanley October 2012
Transferred to Deptford last week.

To be continued...


I've added the vehicle history for each of the Volvo B5LHs on the Angel. All have photos minus 6068, which is the one I'm missing a photograph of (though I could have sworn I had photographs of all of these)...

There's quite a few of these, so you can find the list of vehicles here and check out the photo of each vehicle by clicking the respective fleet number.

I've also added a vehicle history for each of the Mercs currently branded "Diamond" (5284-97). Each vehicle has a photograph bar 5288 and 5297. I had a photograph of 5288 but it was when it appeared on the "Lime", so I did not add that.

You can check out the photographs and vehicle history for each vehicle by clicking the fleet number on our fleet list here.

I've edited the vehicle history for 6019, but there were some details you missed out of your description - I'll do the other Presidents when we have a definitive history for those vehicles? I filled in the gaps using Go North East's "Archive" document available on the Enthusiast Area section of the website and Flickr to find out that the vehicles were branded "The Angel" prior to moving to Chester-le-Street.

(30 Mar 2014, 5:06 pm)Robert wrote 5337+5338:
November 2010 - Entered service at Percy Main as 'Cobalt Clipper'
Early 2014 - Repainted Red
March 2014 - Transferred to Stanley


I've updated the vehicle history for both 5337 and 5338 to include the missing details from when it entered service, and also to mention 5337's loan to Gateshead depot from Percy Main which you didn't mention either. I've also updated the photographs for both vehicles.

(30 Mar 2014, 5:14 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote 3964

Bought New to Chester le Street in 2006 - 21 24 Hours a Day
Was Branded Angel in 2006/07
Was Repainted for the TTX in 2009, and Transferred to Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Red Northern in August 2012 - Remained at Sunderland Road
Was Repainted Green for Festival of the North East in April/May 2013
Was Repainted Yellow in July 2013 for Real Radio
Was De-Branded and Remained Yellow for Children in Need in October/November 2013
Was Repainted Red in February 2014 for GNE Corporate Livery

Just what I gathered from a quick Flickr Search, I sure it started out on the 724 rather than the 21 though, but I would double check, also Double Check Dates also as they might not be Accurate.

Has anyone got more specific dates (i.e. in terms of months as well as the years) for the livery changes?
Call me pedantic, but we've got the months for everything else and I'd be grudged not to have the months for a vehicle with such an interesting history.

I had an hour to kill (some would call it 'avoiding revision') so I've managed to get round to doing something useful for NEB (for a change!)
The news report for tomorrow is fully prepped and I've managed to update a few details for the vehicles mentioned above - only two months or so on from when the posts were written! Tongue
Site Administrator
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(19 May 2014, 8:04 am)MilkybarKid wrote 3964 and the other '06 Gemini's

Entered service at Chester April 2006 (724 livery)
Branded 21 24hr Service October 2006
Branded 'Angel' July 2007

hope this helps

Many thanks! Big Grin

Will update those tonight at some point.
Site Administrator
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
To provide an update on the fleet lists...

I've updated the bodywork on all Volvo B9TLs in the fleet to read 'Wright Eclipse Gemini 2' as opposed to 'Wright Eclipse Gemini'. This mistake was replicated from Go North East's own fleet list, and I think it was mainly down to my laziness at the time for not correcting it.
In doing this, I also added a vehicle history for each of the "TEN" branded B9TLs, with photographs to complement it. 6083 has a slightly different history to the others, for obvious reasons. Also, I have edited the depot allocation for these vehicles to read 'Riverside / Hexham'; as we've established elsewhere on the forum, these vehicles do not have a set depot allocation, and as such it felt appropriate that we note this accordingly on the fleet list.
Also, I have added a vehicle history and photograph for each of the "Tyne Tees Xpress" branded B9TLs.

Likewise, I have altered the chassis on all Optare Solo SRs in the fleet to read 'Optare Solo SR M890', with the bodywork being 'Optare' to represent the integral vehicle. I've chosen to do this to make our fleet lists more accurate. I've replicated the bodywork of 'Optare' on each of the Optare Versas in the fleet too.
In doing this, I used the opportunity to add the vehicle history for each of the Optare buses in the fleet. Optare Solos 625-640 had already received photographs. All of the "Venture" branded Optare Solos have now received photographs, minus 651 which I appear not to have a photograph of. I have chosen not to add photographs of the "Citylink" branded Optare Versas at this stage as I don't think I have many photographs of them, but I have edited the vehicle history for each of these vehicles a little so it's a little bit more friendly on the admin area. Although I do have some nice photographs of the other Versas in the fleet, I want to have some better photographs for the fleet lists, so will wait until we've got some sun to replace them all.

Remember, although I've primarily been working on the newer vehicles here, that's because they're the easy ones to do. If anyone would like to work on the older vehicles in the fleet, please do by commenting on this thread! Wink
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(27 May 2014, 5:04 pm)Dan wrote To provide an update on the fleet lists...

I've updated the bodywork on all Volvo B9TLs in the fleet to read 'Wright Eclipse Gemini 2' as opposed to 'Wright Eclipse Gemini'. This mistake was replicated from Go North East's own fleet list, and I think it was mainly down to my laziness at the time for not correcting it.
In doing this, I also added a vehicle history for each of the "TEN" branded B9TLs, with photographs to complement it. 6083 has a slightly different history to the others, for obvious reasons. Also, I have edited the depot allocation for these vehicles to read 'Riverside / Hexham'; as we've established elsewhere on the forum, these vehicles do not have a set depot allocation, and as such it felt appropriate that we note this accordingly on the fleet list.
Also, I have added a vehicle history and photograph for each of the "Tyne Tees Xpress" branded B9TLs.

Likewise, I have altered the chassis on all Optare Solo SRs in the fleet to read 'Optare Solo SR M890', with the bodywork being 'Optare' to represent the integral vehicle. I've chosen to do this to make our fleet lists more accurate. I've replicated the bodywork of 'Optare' on each of the Optare Versas in the fleet too.
In doing this, I used the opportunity to add the vehicle history for each of the Optare buses in the fleet. Optare Solos 625-640 had already received photographs. All of the "Venture" branded Optare Solos have now received photographs, minus 651 which I appear not to have a photograph of. I have chosen not to add photographs of the "Citylink" branded Optare Versas at this stage as I don't think I have many photographs of them, but I have edited the vehicle history for each of these vehicles a little so it's a little bit more friendly on the admin area. Although I do have some nice photographs of the other Versas in the fleet, I want to have some better photographs for the fleet lists, so will wait until we've got some sun to replace them all.

Remember, although I've primarily been working on the newer vehicles here, that's because they're the easy ones to do. If anyone would like to work on the older vehicles in the fleet, please do by commenting on this thread! Wink

Just to let know Dan, you still have 3872 at Deptford.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
Site Administrator
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(27 May 2014, 5:10 pm)Michael wrote and 4909 Wink

Can't explain that one! I know I forgot about 3872 because it wasn't an 'official' movement, but 4909 was certainly logged like 4906-08. Sorted that out anyway. Smile
RE: Bus pasts until January 2003
(27 May 2014, 5:12 pm)Dan wrote Can't explain that one! I know I forgot about 3872 because it wasn't an 'official' movement, but 4909 was certainly logged like 4906-08. Sorted that out anyway. Smile

=D, np, i just noticed them to!
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.