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What's annoying you today? V2

What's annoying you today? V2

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RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(26 Sep 2014, 10:45 am)AdamY wrote It's also covered by the Data Protection Act (providing said footage is not being used by the police in a criminal investigation) although you might have to pay costs £10 to obtain the film.

It must also be supplied within 40 days of the request.

Most CCTV on-board buses has other people in it; as such, CCTV footage is very rarely distributed to people who may request it.

Thought about whether to post this or not, but as, strictly speaking, it doesn't break the original rule I set out on the OP of this thread, I'll go for it...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the phrase, "I understand" or "We understand", so as to suggest the person posting information is in-the-know, greatly irritates me. It's not so much when that person is providing information ahead of it happening in reality, it's more so to do with the fact when the information has already been on the public domain and confirmed by an official source ahead of these posts being made...
The same people seem to say that they are in possession of 'lists' with information. Most of the time, these 'lists' are in the public domain as they have already been confirmed by an official source...

Can anyone tell me why people actually do this? If it really is so that they sound like they're well informed, or have good relationships with employees of the company concerned, they really need to have a word with themselves... Wake up and smell the coffee, sunshine, and jump off your high horse.
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(26 Sep 2014, 7:31 pm)Marcus wrote Pissed off because I won't be able to photograph the steam charter that was passing through Chester tomorrow, because of some steam ban in the north east (WTF???)
Thought you had Edinburgh tickets booked for tomorrow?
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Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Late buses. I've wasted a total of about 3 hours today, waiting round for buses that aren't coming, and missing connections. This evening alone, I've put up with a total of 63 minutes lateness, between four buses, and two companies. Number of apologies? zero.

(26 Sep 2014, 4:26 pm)Dan wrote Most CCTV on-board buses has other people in it; as such, CCTV footage is very rarely distributed to people who may request it.

It'd be the drivers view or exterior CCTV in Adam's case, and any company would struggle to find a reason to refuse to release that, with it being recorded in a public place too.

Of course it would ultimately be up to the information commissioner should the company refuse.

(26 Sep 2014, 4:26 pm)Dan wrote Thought about whether to post this or not, but as, strictly speaking, it doesn't break the original rule I set out on the OP of this thread, I'll go for it...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the phrase, "I understand" or "We understand", so as to suggest the person posting information is in-the-know, greatly irritates me. It's not so much when that person is providing information ahead of it happening in reality, it's more so to do with the fact when the information has already been on the public domain and confirmed by an official source ahead of these posts being made...
The same people seem to say that they are in possession of 'lists' with information. Most of the time, these 'lists' are in the public domain as they have already been confirmed by an official source...

Can anyone tell me why people actually do this? If it really is so that they sound like they're well informed, or have good relationships with employees of the company concerned, they really need to have a word with themselves... Wake up and smell the coffee, sunshine, and jump off your high horse.

I don't know, but it often puzzles me just as much why people care so much. I find that you get just as much of it anywhere else. Football and the workplace being a prime example. I've lost count the number of times things have apparently been agreed in meetings I've been in, when in reality, they couldn't be further from the truth.

If people are too gullible to spot the difference between fiction and reality, I've got nee sympathy. Let them get on with it, and earn themselves reputations as compulsive liars.
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RE: What's annoying you today? V2
^ and brown nosers

My grievance for today (sorry Adam), is freshers. The town is crawling with them and a lot of them are a mess - including Sideshow Bob. No idea if he is at Northumbria or Newcastle.

(did try and add a photo, but it wont let me - hang tight)
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
Site Administrator
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 7:01 am)Andreos1 wrote Sideshow Bob passed out in a bus stop.

It would have been a sleepy commuter, but the buses had all stopped.

Mind, I note the out of date timetable format.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
You will note the roadworks behind too Wink
Its been not in use for a good while that stop (outside central station).
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 12:13 am)Andreos1 wrote ^ and brown nosers

My grievance for today (sorry Adam), is freshers. The town is crawling with them and a lot of them are a mess - including Sideshow Bob. No idea if he is at Northumbria or Newcastle.

(did try and add a photo, but it wont let me - hang tight)
Loads in Durham too, but they're usually nee bother. Seems to be an influx of stunning lasses going down to the sports centre towards Shincliffe on an evening though. Not that I'm complaining!!
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Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 7:21 am)Andreos1 wrote You will note the roadworks behind too Wink
Its been not in use for a good while that stop (outside central station).
Ahhh...will let them off then...just this once! Wink
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 7:28 am)aureolin wrote Loads in Durham too, but they're usually nee bother. Seems to be an influx of stunning lasses going down to the sports centre towards Shincliffe on an evening though. Not that I'm complaining!!

The female students in Durham are dirty too, I remember one particular night in Durham, Sunderland had just won the First Division(Championship for you young'uns), she supported Barnsley, we had just beat them iirc...That was a good night, we nearly fell in the river near the racecourse
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 7:01 am)Andreos1 wrote Sideshow Bob passed out in a bus stop.

It would have been a sleepy commuter, but the buses had all stopped.

haha, it looks like hes pissed himself 
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
I've got up this morning and I feel like someone has beat the crap out of me while I was asleep and I've got a chesty cough and a blocked nose. This is going to be a long day.
Decided to stay in and go back to bed than go out, typical after I went back to bed I now feel fine and everyone else will be at Middlesbrough having Yates for lunch and the only things I have to eat in the house is: 1 Bourbon, cream crackers and some Jaffa Cakes.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 12:13 am)Andreos1 wrote ^ and brown nosers

My grievance for today (sorry Adam), is freshers. The town is crawling with them and a lot of them are a mess - including Sideshow Bob. No idea if he is at Northumbria or Newcastle.

(did try and add a photo, but it wont let me - hang tight)

It's such a shame that a small minority can let the whole side down. Most of us were alright. I'm afraid I answer the question as to which uni he goes to. This week has been Newcastle's freshers but also Northumbria's returners week, so he could either or.

I'll have to look out for him around campus next week Tongue
What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 10:35 pm)Adam wrote It's such a shame that a small minority can let the whole side down. Most of us were alright. I'm afraid I answer the question as to which uni he goes to. This week has been Newcastle's freshers but also Northumbria's returners week, so he could either or.

I'll have to look out for him around campus next week Tongue

I guess one bad apple always manages to spoil it for the rest, then?
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(27 Sep 2014, 10:36 pm)Marcus wrote I guess one bad apple always manages to spoil it for the rest, then?

yes... well, I'd like to think so Undecided
What's annoying you today? V2
So, me and my dad get the train from Durham to Newcastle and back. There, we board 91124 at 10:46, no problems.

We do our shopping.

We board the TransPennine service back, and cannot find seats 29 & 30 in Coach B. The guard is very nice about it and tells us it's fine to sit in 27 & 28. We thank him and sit down. A few moments later, this mother and child comes up to us and tells us to move because we are in her seats.

We kindly do so, but have to endure 20 mins (we departed late) of standing before we get to Durham. Where the fuck were 29 & 30?!
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 2:43 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote Upper Deck Window on 6047 on theI X10, keeps opening and shutting by itself

Happens on all TTX going more than 35 mph when ive been on 
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 3:40 pm)Andy wrote Happens on all TTX going more than 35 mph when ive been on 

Really? I've never known it to happen. Other than the very front windows either side slamming when the bus is travelling at speed, which I can only assume were a design fault, seeing as the later Gemini 2s have had them windows removed.
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RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 1:18 pm)Marcus wrote So, me and my dad get the train from Durham to Newcastle and back. There, we board 91124 at 10:46, no problems.

We do our shopping.

We board the TransPennine service back, and cannot find seats 29 & 30 in Coach B. The guard is very nice about it and tells us it's fine to sit in 27 & 28. We thank him and sit down. A few moments later, this mother and child comes up to us and tells us to move because we are in her seats.

We kindly do so, but have to endure 20 mins (we departed late) of standing before we get to Durham. Where the fuck were 29 & 30?!

Page 11, the plan on the left. Smile
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 6:47 pm)Marcus wrote Cheers Sean, but those two seats that appear to be 29 & 30 were occupied by a blind drunk yob who was asleep. Thanks for the answers.

Sounds about right - exclusively to TPE are those folk!!

Changing the subject somewhat, I've found out today I have an infection in my big toe (caused by a slight ingrowing toenail). It's not painful unless it touches something but after soaking it twice in hot salty water and putting aloe vera and iodine spray on, it looks a right state!
Still going to work tomorrow though, sigh.
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 6:50 pm)northern156 wrote Sounds about right - exclusively to TPE are those folk!!

Changing the subject somewhat, I've found out today I have an infection in my big toe (caused by a slight ingrowing toenail). It's not painful unless it touches something but after soaking it twice in hot salty water and putting aloe vera and iodine spray on, it looks a right state!
Still going to work tomorrow though, sigh.

I've always thought of First TransPennine as one of those short shuttle services for mortal footy fans - disgusting trains with disgusting people. The fact that you reserve a seat and don't even get to sit in it is the absolute fucking limit!!
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(28 Sep 2014, 6:52 pm)Marcus wrote I've always thought of First TransPennine as one of those short shuttle services for mortal footy fans - disgusting trains with disgusting people. The fact that you reserve a seat and don't even get to sit in it is the absolute fucking limit!!

You should experience their Class 350/4s on the WCML - forever breaking down and causing major blockages on the mainline! Their staff are mostly alright though.
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Suppose it is just the nature of the beast with TPE.

People use it for short hop, commuting and travelling huge distances - with the first two just like the metro or Northern Rail.
Whereas the likes of EC and CrossStinky cover greater distances and apart from a few exceptions, don't stop at the smaller stations like TPE do.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'