(19 Aug 2013, 11:02 am)Andreos1 wrote I bet your NES didn't have Alex Kidd built in though did it?
Or that snail maze game accessible by pressing B and up on the D-pad. Alex Kidd was SMS2; SMS1 was Super Hang On (I think). Out of the three, the snail maze game was easily the best; the accompanying music was quite catchy too.
I bet your Sega didn't have Super Mario Bros.3; the Legend of Zelda or the Adventure of Link.

Andreos1 wroteNever owned either of those brands, can remember Naff Naff, but not the other one.
All the lasses at school, would turn up at the youth club in their Joe Bloggs jeans, Sweatershop jumper, with a Naff Naff jacket over the top and their hair full of lumious scrunchies - lush!
I seem to remember that perms were en-vogue too. But, yeah, that's a pretty accurate description of how lasses were dressed at my local youth club too.