(14 Aug 2013, 9:01 pm)CatsFast101 wrote X6 and X8 don't see them working no need for services. Doxford-Houghton-Hetton-Peterlee is served by X35. Middlesbrough-Peterlee doesn't need any more services. Preferred my idea the X6 via Seaham to Hartlepool.
I think the 203 is a bit long winded an East Durham to Washington? 128 is a good idea, I think it's okay but maybe it's Saturday only for a reason, a Sunday bus would be nice as I'm sure beamish Musuem attracts a lot of visitors. I see no need for a 36 and 38 merge. And the Q3 is an okay idea.
X6 - I do think is a good idea as it would open up New Links between Washington and Middlesbrough via Peterlee, which to my knowledge has never existed.
X8 - Would work alongside the X7 to provide a Half Hourly link between Sunderland and Middlesbrough, with the X35 operating it normal route, meaning GNE would a Bus Every 15 Minutes as far as Peterlee if timed perfectly.
203 - Would re-instate the old 79/493 Link Between Washington and Houghton and then open up a New Link up to Peterlee, It would take 1 Hour to do the full route and that would also work alongside the X6 to provide a Bus Every 30 Minutes
36/38 Merge - I wasn't to sure on this one either
128 - I was thinking instead of having it run just on a Saturday have run Monday to Friday Hourly, and work alongside the 28/28A to provide a Every 20 Minute Link to Beamish
Q3 - Think I might email this to GNE