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Poll: Do you miss school?

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Yes 3 (18.75%)
No 8 (50.00%)
Sometimes 5 (31.25%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 16 vote(s) (100%)
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
I am a delivery driver but I am also at Northumbria University reading for a post-graduate degree, due to finish in two-weeks time. I am also associated with various organisations volunteering my time whenever I can.

If the money was good in my current job, I would probably be content with doing it for the rest of my life. It's nice being out on the open road as everyday is slightly different. In contrast to, say, ten years ago, podcasts and the mobile internet go far to alleviate any boredom which might develop. There's sometimes a lot of waiting around involved in my job and it used to irritate the hell out of me. Now I embrace it as I simply get out my netbook, plug my dongle in, and either surf the net (or get on with some Uni work) while listening to something interesting that I've downloaded. It's great!

I probably don't miss school but rather my childhood and all the memories attached to that period. I think it's easy to conflate school with childhood which invariably ends with the old adage 'schooldays are the best days of your life'. In a sense they are but it's not the schooldays you miss, rather the sense of freedom and lack of responsibility you had at the time.

Your job/college/uni etc
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RE: Your job/college/uni etc
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