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Poll: Do you miss school?

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Yes 3 (18.75%)
No 8 (50.00%)
Sometimes 5 (31.25%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 16 vote(s) (100%)
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RE: Your job/college/uni etc
I'm still at school, entering Year 11 in September. I find that, each year, the 'sense of freedom' and 'lack of responsibility' thins out. I used to have a lot more time (during term time) to enjoy my hobbies in Year 7, but now not so much time.
I currently take Maths, English Lit, English Lang, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, ICT, Business Studies, French and Media Studies (dual - being classed as two separate GCSEs).
Would like to do Media, IT and Business at A Level.

From the money aspect, I would like a career in law. I'm not certain that I have all of the qualities required to work in law though. I know I am reasonably well able when it comes to computers, so that is a 'backup career'. For enjoyment, I'd like to pursue a 'dream career' of mine that I've had since being a small child - owning a bus/coach company and undertaking tender work and coach hire around the UK and later, around the world.

Your job/college/uni etc
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RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
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RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
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Your job/college/uni etc
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RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
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RE: Jobs
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RE: Jobs
RE: Jobs
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
RE: Jobs
RE: Your job/college/uni etc