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Politics (and other political stuff)

Politics (and other political stuff)

RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(27 Apr 2015, 9:53 pm)leestransportphotos wrote This time it was the conservatives turn to put there 'stuff' through the letterbox. So.. I was feeling creative and done a 'mock up' of it! And if anyone tells me that they're not identical then they are quite clearly deluded [emoji1][Image: 32f7e72e821d8677ab06306d492d561f.jpg]

I attended a hustings event in Rowlands Gill on Friday where Allison Griffiths was on the panel. I don't think anyone in the room were particularly impressed by what she had to say. 

Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
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