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Politics (and other political stuff)

Politics (and other political stuff)

RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(01 May 2015, 6:09 pm)Jimmi wrote It is pretty poor really complaining about some rather minor stuff said on a comedy show. They seem to be doing this every time something doesn't go their way, its like a child wanting an ice cream but the child's parents say no so the child then starts crying in the hope mummy and daddy get them an ice cream - I think that's basically describes it.

I would say more on the matter but I may get reported to the police Big Grin

I would absolutely love it if Big Nige reported me to the police. Not that it would amount to much mind. I'm not regulated by Ofcom so I'm entitled to my own personal opinion peppered with any amount of vitriolic bias to boot. 

Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
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