(03 May 2015, 5:41 pm)northern156 wrote But it's something that worked just fine and what people were used to.
The main problem is the replacements - I cannot understand why Streetlites were chosen as good alternatives to B10Ms; if the buses were decent-sized replacements that had the power the B10Ms had, it wouldn't be such a problem.
What the residents were also annoyed about was the lack of consultation and understanding which is why the Streetlites and Solo SRs were ordered without such luggage space, and why they were ordered in the first place. If you read the article some people say the Streetlites struggle to get up some hills - I don't get why this is being ungrateful.
B10Ms can carry large luggage. The step isn't that much of a problem, as I'd dare say most people visiting would be walking anyway so people would be able to lift a bag onto a step a foot from the ground!
A small matter of nothing being DDA compliant might have had something to do with it.............