Something I found myself thinking about recently...
Had the series of events in the 1980's not happened the way they did, Bradford and Heysel in 1985, Hillsborough and The Taylor Report in 1989, would we still have had the new Stadia we see today, or would the likes of Roker Park be still about or were we heading towards all-seated stadia anyway, was it coming maybe a few year later than it did.
As for standing areas, I don't know why there so frowned upon, I don't think the Taylor Report said at any point Terracing was to blame for Hillsborough, it was the penning system in place and things like perimeter fencing and bad decision making by an inept man who had minimal experience at policing football matches...
Anyone else have any thought's
2014-15 Football Season(Who will be the best North East Team)