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Poll: Do you miss school?

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Yes 3 (18.75%)
No 8 (50.00%)
Sometimes 5 (31.25%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 16 vote(s) (100%)
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Your job/college/uni etc
I am unemployed at the moment, done bits and bobs sinceI left school, but I have been in quite a dark place since I was 14 so I feel employers have not employed me because of the baggage I carry.

You could not pay me a kings ransom to go back to school, I hated it, I consider myself to be very intelligent, but I have no GCSEs, tbe other kids at school were horrible little bastards, and the only friends I had at that point was 4 girls in my class, 2 GNE drivers and 3 Arriva Drivers who I would always talk to as they were always nice to me. If anything, I would rather go back to College, I had a conditional offer from Ulster Uni in Jordanstown in 2007 to do Youth Work, but had to turn it down as I was having a rough time.

As for a career, I was one of these that lacked ambition, I wanted to be a bus driver, and a teacher openly mocked me in front of the class, he was my head of year and he was not amused when I said to him 'If I ever drive a bus and you put your hand out, I will drive right past you or if I see a puddle and your on the pavement, guess what, you'll get a bath you fucking old fool' got kicked out his class and a 15 minute dressing down from him, far as he was concerned I had no ambition, even though I would argue that although I would be happy to drive a bus, I would have liked to have got promotion through a bus company and that I aspired to be management one day, but he would not have it, as far as he was concerned, I was ambitionless.

I will drive a bus one day, once I pass my driving test, but right now I am the last guy you want on the roads lol

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