(17 Sep 2013, 5:45 pm)BJ10VUS wrote Without making a return journey on the same service, it isn't possible. I can do it solely on Gemini 2s and Citaros, however?
Whey that's easy that. Stick an SPD in the list and you have cracked it :p
Speaking of which, I thought I did....
310: Newcastle - Corner House
309: Corner House -Battle Hill
58: Battle Hill - Gateshead
X66: Gateshead - Metrocentre
49B: Metrocentre - Swallwell
43: Swallwell - Metrocentre
49A: Metrocentre - Gateshead
27: Gateshead - Shields
35A: - Shields to Sunderland
2A: Sunderland - Washington
2C: Washington - Sunderland
35: Sunderland - Shields
(The 27 ends up being used twice)
49C: Gateshead - Metrocentre
44: Metrocentre - Newcastle