(16 Nov 2015, 3:26 pm)MrFozz wrote I may not be keen on Corbyn myself, but the witch hunt against him seems to be getting more intense, making statements that he would not press the Red Button if the time came, not singing the National Anthem, not bowing at the Cenotaph gives the gutter the ammo to tear him apart, no matter what my opinion is, it is getting nasty and very personal, comparing him to Mohammed Emwazi is stepping over the mark.
I believe Air Strikes should always be on the table as a response, but if using diplomatic deals can be done, it should be thought about
The press have been blaming Corbyn for backing down over the airstrikes and implying it is his fault if they actually happen via sensationalist headlines.
Despite lambasting him days previously for being against them.
Ignoring the fact it is Cameron and Fallon who are behind the whole airstrikes idea and are publically (Cameron in particular) stating it is to support their allies...
The public will fall for the media bias too.
That is the sad thing.
Corbyn did reveal his Dad was from Sunderland recently.
He has mackem connections just like Sturgeon!
On a different note, has anyone seen this about the Geordie KGB spy?
I had heard of Abel, but had no idea of his local connections.