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PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance
i have emailed north yorkshire ipt compliance team on dda compliant buses in northallerton, as there was a lot of buses non dda new years eve , where do i stand if a non dda compliant bus turns up do i bill them for taking a taxi instead ? i said i would take photos if they need evidence !! i love annoying ipt at county hall as they removed my son off his school bus when i told them the school signs were incorrect which i had photos of , they say they have no money but my son goes by taxi now as the law says with having special needs they have to transport him

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance