14 dene estate-blue bell-wheatsheaf-sunderland-thorndale road-barnes-thorney close estate-grindon
4 doxford park-east herrington-barnes'-royal hospital-hylton road-millfield-sunderland-wheatsheaf - southwick -downhill.
8 south hylton-royal hospital-palion-southwick-carley hill-witherwack
16 hastings hill-chester road-Sunderland -southwick -ramsgate road - red house
17 new south bents -seaburn-roker-wheatsheaf-Sunderland - grangetown-ashbrooke-prospect-springwell-grindon
14 replaces the 23 fully the sunday extension to seaburn will remain.
4 remains the same doxford park to barnes then replaces the 18 to hylton road to then replace the 8 into Sunderland then to downhill the town end farm extension will be withdrawn
8 normal route to hylton road then replaces route 18 to southwick then replaces the 16 to witherwack creating some of the old 6.
16 rerouted round ransgate road again
New 17 old 18 route south bents to prospect then the 19 route to grindon
People between southwick and seaburn could use the 99 or a change of bus
RE: Stagecoach North East: Service Suggestions
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