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Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction

Poll: Do you make believe in Alien life and/or Alien Abduction

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Yes I believe in Aliens and abductions 1 (9.09%)
I believe in Aliens but not that they visit earth 3 (27.27%)
No, it is made up and silly 5 (45.45%)
I am unsure 2 (18.18%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 11 vote(s) (100%)

Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction

RE: Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction
Another question you may want to consider is did life start on Earth?

If, as some scientists hypothesize, microbial organisms arrived via comets and meteors; the question posed in the poll of this thread becomes a moot point.

Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction
RE: Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction
RE: Extra Terrestrial life and Alien Abduction