Without invading wearside with a express ive another suggestion
3. Houghton le spring - fence houses - Great lumley - chester le street - ouston - Team Valley - Whickham - metrocentre .
This service is to replace the 36 between hougton and chester.
Then up to ouston before straight to Team Valley this will allow the x32 to be withdrawn.
Then allows a connection to metrocentre.
This service is to be every 30 minutes between hougton and chester le street. And every hour onwards.
32. Sunderland - Grangetown - Ryhope - ryhope dean - seaham station - byron place - dawdon - spectrum - dalton park - murton.
This service would allow the 238 to ternamate at seaham and enable a bus to dalton park from estates in the bottom of ryhope.
Also replaces the 202 between seaham and dalton park.
202. Peterlee - Easington village - Easington lane - murton - dalton park - mill inn - ryhope village - Esdale Estate - tunstall bank.
This service will operate as normal untill dalton park.
Then the same way as the 61 enabling it to be every 20 minutes. Then replaces the 38 up to Tunstall bank.
2. Washington - lampton - shiney Row - penshaw - hospital - sunderland - villete road - Grangetown - hollycarside - ryhope stores - tunstall village - silksworth.
No change to this.
2A washington - biddick - penshaw - hospital - barnes park - sunderland interchange - Ashbrooke - leechmere Asda - hollycarside - Tunstall village - silksworth.
This service will replace the other part of the 38 and 238 route on a 30 minute frequency .
2B Evening and sunday operating the same route as service 2A.
2c Washington - waterview park - chester road- sunderland - villete road - Grangetown - Ryhope village - tunstall bank - silksworth.
This service can operate hourly providing extra transport along with the 2.
A big change would be this runs limited stop to sunderland.
RE: Go North East: Service Suggestions
Best bus ever
Best bus ever