(22 Sep 2016, 9:52 am)BusLoverMum wrote Big'un did a bit of searching round fastpokemap, last night and unearthed a kabuto nest at ropner park and a pikachu nest around Lumley castle!
I caught him his first dratini, on the school run, so hopefully I'm up in the approval stakes, this evening.
Oo nice, where is Ropner Park?
Had enough candy to evolve my Machoke to a Machamp... So glad i was on a Machop, Growlethe, Ponyta, Geodude nest while over hete.
Also eolved my Growlethe, Ponyta, Geodude to Golem while here in Murica.
Also got a Sandslash, Rhydon, Dodorio, Primeape, Marowak, Pinsar and a Onyx.
Not a bad haul while just playing at the villa also got from level 18 to 20.
At the airport, free WIFI and a pokestop...