(30 Nov 2016, 12:30 pm)RBZ 5459 wrote I noticed the Twitter rage this morning, made interesting viewing as I sipped my 9 o'clock brew at work this morning.
Facebook wasn't much better either. Customers being met with vague references to using the fare finder on the website, but no actual detail of what has increased. Most criticism was met silence though!
I'll choose my words carefully, but this is not what you expect from a multi national business. Increasing prices and not being clear to customers about the changes. Perhaps 'trying to gloss over' a negative message, isn't far from the truth?
Imagine if your council or utility companies upped your bill and neglected to inform you? The regulator would be on their back and their feet wouldn't touch the ground.
Very unfair on customers, and not to mention the drivers that will have been getting stick all day.