(12 Dec 2016, 6:30 pm)Dans_bus_photos wrote I have a feeling the route will be the same as the current 19 from the town via Southwick as far as Pennywell Shops half hourly. Then once an hour continue to Grangetown on the current route and terminate there and the alternate bus will run down the Broadway to the roundabout then pick up the 5 route as far as Gilley Law. Could be a long way off but that seems to match with the VOSA registrations.
When Stagecoach changed the 18 and 19 last time to go via Pennywell Shops, I emailed them a suggestion since service 18/19 and 5 uses the same type of bus, I made a proposal that the 18/19 to be renumbered as service 6 between Town and Seaburn (similar to the original service 106 before that service got cut between southwick and seaburn and service 6 went up to Witherwack) via Grindon and the service from Seaburn to Town via Roker as service 5 and extend service 5 from Town up to Farringdon/Gilley law providing new Links from South estates to Seaburn, the reply I got back saying that since the service has just been changed and there don't want the public passengers to be confused (I think stagecoach is doing quite good confusing passengers). I was told by a driver that the fella at stagecoach prefer to do his own bus changes his way without outside influence.