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Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - January 2017

Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - January 2017

RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - January 2017
(16 Jan 2017, 10:13 am)Andreos1 wrote
You didn't answer the questions eezypeazy.
According to info on here, the Washington Cadets were given their mods in Jan 15 whilst based in Gateshead. Withdrawn Sept 16.

Is it 9p per km the MicroHybrids get in BSOG uplift?

Re Governments. Suppose it depends on what side of the fence you sit on, regarding specific Government involvment. Sticking with the bus industry, there was the domination by BET and Tilling that was disrupted by Government, there was the Grant you mentioned to speed up one-person operation, later on the push/encouragement to purchase nationalised Leyland vehicles, de-reg in 86, continued financial support in various guises like BSOG to the privatised industry and legislation that allows QCS in the regions.

I have no doubt there will be positives and negatives to each of those involvements - such as the number of manufacturers that ceased trading post-86 when orders for new vehicles dried up. Ditto the impact on operators if/when powers are devolved to LA's or PTE's.

Sorry, I'm not here just to answer the questions you raise - I'm here because I'm an enthusiast! Besides, you seem to have the answers at your fingertips anyway!

History would suggest that some government interventions are more successful than others. Some, such as nationalisation or interventions involving 'powers', seem to end in excessive public spending, higher fares, reduced services and poorly designed vehicles. Others, such as using a fuel tax rebate to influence manufacturers and operators for the benefit of the passenger, seem to end in vehicle and service improvements. 'Nudges' are sometimes all that's required.

RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - January 2017