(09 Nov 2013, 6:33 pm)CatsFast101 wrote That's the reason that I've said that it would be such a shame to lose the brand from GNE's fleet. That looks really good and suits the Versa's very well. Excellent I wasn't expecting the to be branded tonight. Is 8302-8305 all branded now or was it just 8304? Such a good branded, I'm sure passengers in Chester will be pleased with that! I've always liked the Versa, I'm glad the 61 are keeping there's.
8302 was done this morning and put out into service tonight, 8303 was being done tonight after being taken out of service, 8304 was done before service today and has been out all day I believe, 8305 was sent to Chester a few days ago I think for familiarisation and I'm led to believe that was branded early this morning too.
Expect them to be out on the interworking 28/34 tomorrow.