(16 Feb 2017, 9:25 am)Michael wrote What Pokemon do people still need from gen 1?, I still need:
Farfetch'd (region)
Kangaskhan (region)
Tauros (region)
Articuno (legendary)
Zapdos (legendary)
Moltres (legendary)
I really hope they unlock the region locked Pokemon since gen 2 is coming out but i doubt that!
Also here is the rumoured egg list for gen 2
Apart from the one we can't catch, here, I still need Snorlax, Omastar and Dragonite. (I also don't currently have an dragonaire as I transferred my CP20 one to take advantage of the double candy, yesterday, but I could evolve a better one if I wanted to. I have 98 dratini candy and I'm now up to 29 omanyte candy, so I might have these evolutions by the summer. Hoping for a couple of good hatches to speed things along, though the way luck works, I'll make these hatches just after reaching the candy target!