(21 Apr 2017, 9:46 am)Jamie M wrote Omnidekka
*6133 (front + side) alternative between being on/off
*6138 (front) spends 10 seconds off for 5 seconds on (cuts out)
*6139 (side + rear) never on
*5239 (rear) never on
*643 (side) defective flickering
*644 (side) periodic defective flickering
*645 (side) periodic defective flickering
*3887 (rear) periodic cut out
*6012 (rear) still locked on 824
*6014 (front) display backlight continues to flicker
There will be more, but these have been reported multiple times by staff and myself, and random members of the public (or at least threatened to) over a good few months.
I'm also not sure how useful it is to tell the every day passenger of Alston or Bellingham that a bus has non-mandatory seat belts fitted ?
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
6133 and 643 are the only 2 there that I have actually spotted - in the cases where I have seen them, all the rest have been fine. Flip-dots do tend to freeze, the rear displays in 3823 and 3880 both froze and were removed.
I wouldn't say any feature on a bus is mandatory, Next Stop Announcements are probably the only feature which I would say has any chance of being made mandatory in the future. Therefore, I see no reason why they can't advertise the seatbelts (especially as it is a bonus safety feature) which, arguably, are mandatory in this instance given that the Solos are spares for the scholars service that 618 usually operates which needs to have seatbelts.