(10 Jul 2017, 9:18 pm)Michael wrote Eggs have recently changed, some changes here, rest remain the same so haven't included them...
2KM Eggs
Pichu now hatches with Ash’s hat
Spinarak added
5KM Eggs
Pineco added (was 10KM)
Gligar added (was 10KM)
Mantine added (was 10KM)
Teddiursa added
Totodile added
Chikorita added
Cyndaquil added
Hoppip added
Wooper added
Swinub added
Snubull added
Natu added
Marill added
10KM Eggs
Porygon added (was 5KM)
Chinchou added
About time the Gen 2 Pokemom starters were added, can't find them anywhere.
Still need 2 candies for a Charizard.
Hodgkin Park is a Charmander nest - https://thesilphroad.com/atlas#15.17/54.9678/-1.6668