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Bus specification, interior and on-board features

Bus specification, interior and on-board features

RE: Bus specification, interior and on-board features
(05 Sep 2017, 2:00 pm)Andreos1 wrote There's no excuse at all for buses to be sent out dirty from the previous day.

However, if operators and in this instance GNE, are that keen to promote their vehicles and increase passenger numbers (that may or may not have already reached their post-2006 service revision plateau), then they need to keep them tidy. 
It seems totally pointless to have refurbished the interiors (and raised our fares to pay for it), if they're going to be left in a state.

The new livery and subsequent conversation regarding the X9/10 was interesting to read when bearing this thread in mind.

How the operators ensure vehicles are cleaned is up to them to decide. I would suggest that ever increasing trend to increase layover time, gives the perfect opportunity for some sort of cleanse.
It needs to be effective and not hit the customer in the pocket, whatever the method.

Was there not once upon a time (around 2010?) a GNE cleaner based in Eldon Square who would give the Gold Standard buses on layover a quick once-over? Time for this role to make a comeback? Even on a short layover they could run a lobby brush round an angel in the time it takes to change destination display and load new ticket journey info.

Bus specification, interior and on-board features
RE: Bus specification, interior and on-board features