(12 Nov 2017, 10:33 am)Acky81 wrote Looks like all the destinations are changing. So far I’ve seen 2 12 27 and 39s done. I like how you can see it from distance but on the flip side it’s not great missing out the via points
I've noticed a few and it is much clearer and easier to read, but having the destination simply as 'Newcastle' or 'Gateshead' isn't that helpful, especially further along the routes for people then boarding at stops within Newcastle or Gateshead.
Okay for Gateshead or South Shields I suppose, GNE are presuming passengers will presume the final stop is the town centre, but in my opinion 'Newcastle' isn't quite informative enough.
Its okay if you already know the local bus numbers/routes, but imagine you are visiting Edinburgh or London - an approaching bus with the destination simply as 'Edinburgh', or 'London' wouldn't be of any use. (Granted it may be the case for non stop buses/coaches coming from outside of the areas?).
Anyway, my point is maybe a New York flip style destination would be more helpful, so for example on the Crusader the destination screen would either display 'Newcastle' for 2 seconds, then 'Market St W' for 2 seconds in a cycle, OR display 'Newcastle Market St' for 2 seconds, then 'via Gateshead Interchange' or 'Gateshead Town' for 2 seconds.
Thats just my tuppence worth for today.