(15 Dec 2017, 10:23 am)RBZ 5459 wrote PERIOD 8 (wk commencing 10th December 2017)
Not much movement over the last period, summed up...
BUSWAYS: 19204 has returned to Walkergate with 22343 going the other way to Slatyford - one of the 18 boards is now decker operated Monday-Friday.
Another bus has been added to the Slatyford express services cycle to hopefully sort reliability out, the boards don't interwork as much now with greater layover at either ends which will probably see more stand fighting at Eldon..! X47 best part of the day doesnt interwork.
I wish none of them would interwork ever since it started the reliability of the X87 X88 has become non existant. Most of the E400s should be on there most of the day its by far the busiest of all the express services which is why its changed to x4 E400 all day on a Saturday.