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Tender Discussion Thread - Elsewhere

Tender Discussion Thread - Elsewhere

RE: Tender Discussion Thread - Elsewhere
Tfl have put an interesting tender out.

Now referred to as: Safer Bus Driving Training for Bus Drivers and Bus Driving Instructors. In his new Transport Strategy, just published , the Mayor has made clear that loss of life and serious injuries on London’s roads are neither acceptable nor inevitable. TfL has now adopted Vision Zero for London, with a target of zero deaths or serious injuries by 2041. For buses we have even more ambitious targets: 1. 70% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in, or by, buses by 2022 (against 2005-09 baseline) 2. No one killed in, or by, a bus by 2030 TfL applies a Safe System approach to delivering Vision Zero, based on the acceptance that, while we must minimise mistakes, there will always be the chance of human error. Our job therefore, is to make the whole system as safe as possible so that when a road user, for example a pedestrian or cyclist, does make a mistake, this mistake does not result in serious or fatal injury. Enhanced bus driver training is a key component of the Safe System and recent research has shown that, in particular, this should cover detecting pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, anticipating other road users’ behaviour and hazard perception training. To be effective this training must be significantly different to the classroom-based safety training drivers already receive. The scope of this procurement includes: A. Design of an engaging and impactful one-day safer bus driving training course for bus drivers 2 / 5 B. Design and delivery of c8-12 train-the trainer courses so the safer bus driving training course can bedelivered by the bus operators’ classroom based trainers (circa 80) to the drivers. C. Design and delivery of 10-15 interactive one-day safer bus driving workshops to bus driving instructors (circa220) who are based in bus training vehicles. D. Provision and maintenance of technology-enabled training aids, such as Virtual Reality throughout theprogramme. E. Manage the programme and provide ongoing trainer and technology support throughout.

Obviously this will be in addition to any other training drivers are required to carry out.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

Tender Discussion Thread - Elsewhere
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