pbjd   26 Jul 2018, 6:10 pm
(26 Jul 2018, 7:33 am)RBZ 5459 wrote All of Slatyford's E200MMCs have now lost their Stagecoach bus app lettered vinyls from their rear-side windows - all still retain their rear wraps minus 26070 which is back out with after its rear shunt accident, now with a fresh rear. Also wish Slatyford would debrand the E200/E400 with rear replacement windows like Walkergate have, or get a new vinyl for the back.....

Most E200MMCs are also carrying a rear advert promoting 30/31 in the advert board.

First one I saw with the new ad was on the 87 Big Grin , some also have an ad for the 36.
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