(07 Dec 2013, 5:36 pm)andreos1 wrote Driving through Houghton earlier this afternoon and the eldest spotted the new stylised x1 for the first time.
One question I couldn't answer was why it had changed.
Anyone any ideas?
citaro5284 said a few weeks ago that GNE were trying some new things with the blinds...
Guess they're seeing what mixture helps passengers see the number easily (perhaps in the dark) from a distance?
In other news, ex-GNE 4983 has arrived at Alpha for scrap, after being withdrawn following an accident at Lamesley prior to the Solars entering service on Waggonway services 28/28A. What remains of 4983 can be viewed on the photograph below, with credit to Lee Wardle for the photograph:
![[Image: 1450762_664077420279736_1355994149_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s403x403/1450762_664077420279736_1355994149_n.jpg)