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Go North East: 2018/19 Financial Year Order Predictions

Go North East: 2018/19 Financial Year Order Predictions

RE: Go North East: 2018/19 Financial Year Order Predictions
22 - Wright Streetdeck Micro-Hybrid 3's - Prince Bishops

I have used the 20 quite a few times so far this year whilst out and about with a mix of journey's coming in and out of Sunderland with some quite high loadings with standees on each of those journey's at various times of the day, this is as a result of students using the service at both Bede and City Campus along with your average Tom, Dick and Harry using the service.

I do think the Streetlites which put into service in 2016 have brought some much needed growth to the 20's which I do think would benefit from having deckers during the peak periods of the morning and afternoon.

RE: Go North East: 2018/19 Financial Year Order Predictions