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PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance
(29 Dec 2019, 12:30 am)BusLoverMum wrote That was my thought, too, tbh. Hardly fair on kids who now need to be out of the door at silly o clock.

From what I read, it looks like the council are pretending they didn't know the changes would apply to school bus services. I don't know why they would think it wouldn't!
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked disabled children weren't magically healed once they put their uniform on!

I was always the type of person that would take a public bus over a scholars anyway, I have very fond memories of the few times I used the scholars, mostly the smell of burning hair, and falling down the stairs because someone thought it would be hilarious spill some lube all over them!

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance