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PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

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RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance
(29 Dec 2019, 1:32 am)streetdeckfan wrote From what I read, it looks like the council are pretending they didn't know the changes would apply to school bus services. I don't know why they would think it wouldn't!
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked disabled children weren't magically healed once they put their uniform on!

To be fair, you didn't have to look far in the trade press, to see this matter being debated, in the months leading up to today.

Initial guidance from the DfT was open to interpretation, which muddied the waters. It was originally suggested that school services which do not take any fares (and hence are not registered bus services that claim BSOG etc), and are instead paid for by an alternate means (either by a local authority or directly from a school), did not have to conform to PSVAR.

If you, as a small business with relatively low profits, did not have to go to the expense of replacing your fleet with newer vehicles which do conform to PSVAR, why would you? Many of these small operators just about cover their costs and provide a small number of people with a wage, and it's Private Hires (school trips to the baths etc) that contribute towards the greater profits of the business.

Some trade press articles to have a read of:

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance