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PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance
(30 Dec 2019, 5:31 pm)tyresmoke wrote Problem there is a lot of school services these days are not local authority backed - they're private contracts with the schools (or indeed parents) themselves. Majority of local authority contracted school buses will not have to comply as they're used only by kids with passes. Of course the schools etc didn't know anything about PSVAR coming in until local authorities told them a few months ago. Now it's all a bit of a rush to comply - the price of old Levante's has gone through the roof!

But then we have to ask why is it, after all these years, they've only in the past few months realised they had to comply?
Was it a case of them hoping that if they didn't say anything, nobody would realise that the regulations weren't specific enough to include that type of work?
Or was it a case of them genuinely not realising that they had to comply because in the past they were excluded?

But like I said above, at the end of the day that shouldn't matter. People don't stop needing accessible buses just because it's paid for by a school or parents

RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance