mb134   07 Oct 2020, 12:30 am
I've possibly been a tad harsh on the Darlington management reading that government guideline. I'd been basing it on the assumption that they were actually implementing track and trace within the workplace. I've talked to a few friends in the hospitality industry, where there's similar exposure to the public, and by all accounts social distancing procedures and other general hygiene/cleanliness procedures being religiously adhered to for the most part by staff, and only one said that someone from their work had tested positive.

Still though, not cleaning the bait room or the buses (regardless of how effective people think it is!) is just asking for trouble. It's a pandemic, at the very least you need to be making it look like you're caring about your employees wellbeing by keeping the workplace clean.

Ultimately had these services been dropped without the news report as well as comments on the ANE Facebook page, then it'd just be put down to being one of those things. As has been mentioned, it was bound to happen at one point at some depot. However the news report, with driver reports of what's going on, definitely makes it sound like this was to an extent controllable had basic steps been taken earlier by the local management.
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