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RE: Alexander Dennis
Alexander Dennis Limited (“ADL”), a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (“NFI”), one of the world’s largest independent global bus manufacturers, today welcomed the UK Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution and the commitment to invest £120 million to begin the introduction of at least 4,000 more British built zero emission buses. ADL eagerly awaits the publication of the National Bus Strategy and further detail of the two all-electric bus towns and the first fully zero-emission city centre.


3500 buses for London and 500 for rest of the UK no doubt....
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
Alexander Dennis
Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis
RE: Alexander Dennis