(17 Feb 2021, 5:57 pm)Storx wrote Dunno I just think they took the complete wrong approach me, Pop to me is a metro season ticket, does anyone actually use the PAYG? Never seen anyone tbh.
The Robin Hood cards down in Nottingham are the way they should've been done imo - https://robinhoodnetwork.co.uk/pay-you-go-cards, dead simple pricing and there's caps it's basically what they're trying to do with the tap on tap off now by the looks of it without Nexus' help.
Then you've got the season tickets - https://robinhoodnetwork.co.uk/season-cards which are pretty much our Network One cards.
Simple and effective unlike Key Cards, Pop Card, Arriva Card, Network One, Buzz Zones, Arriva Triple Tickets, Smartzones, Stagecoach Megarider, Metro Season Tickets, Transfares, GNE local zones, Arriva Coastliner Tickets and the rest we've got.
I did actually see quite a few people using Pop cards to pay on the bus, but they looked like they were carers and the like, so I'm guessing they were provided by work so they don't have to go through the faff of claiming expenses.
The difference with the Robin Hood cards is journeys are fixed price, so there's no need for them to tap off to calculate the price, which I think is the main 'issue' with the network round here.